
The most important gift you could give this Christmas.


Lisa Almond with her baby.





As a woman in Australia I have lived a very fortunate life.

I am not filthy rich or super famous – but I am wealthy is so many ways.

I have a home for my family, I have food in my belly, a bed and warm blankets every night and I am fortunate enough to give my own family these privileges each and every day.

Tonight I will tuck my children in and they will dream of school and holidays and toys. They go to sleep soundly, not fearing for their lives and knowing when they wake tomorrow there will be food on their plate and a hug from loving arms.

Not all children get such privileges though.

Somewhere else the world, young girls won’t be tucked in at all. They will find a spot on a hard floor, or cover in a laneway, and they will hope that no one touches them through the night.

They won’t be dreaming about holidays because they don’t know what one is.

They won’t be dreaming about toys because they aren’t given the opportunity for leisure time.

These girls are the same ages as our own children and each day they face a life of child labour, early marriage or sex work.

They are children – but they are not living a childhood.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Save The Children. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words. 

Girls like Tulasa who was married at 13 and birthed a stillborn child because she was so young.

Girls like Jamila who was trafficked at 13 and sold to a brothel where she is expected to have sex with up to six clients a day. In two years she has had three abortions. She lives in the brothel with 400 other women and young girls. There is one toilet for them to share.

Jamila has tried to escape but has nowhere to go and no education. She cannot read or write.


Shagufta is nine years old and until recently had never been to school. Instead she worked every day. She attached straps to slippers and received one rupee (two cents) for every 12 pairs of slippers.

It is so easy to tuck our own children in every night and forget about those who seem worlds away.

But they are not worlds away – they are in this world, our world.

Around the world, 1.8 million children are exploited through the sex trade and over 68 million girls are victims of child labour.

They are children just like ours. Children whose innocence has been stolen and whose childhood has been taken.

Children that we can help.

Instead of posting an inspirational quote on Instagram or changing your profile picture on Facebook to support a cause, this time do something that can really change the world, that can really change a life.

Save The Children is an organisation that helps keeps vulnerable girls in school. They help break the cycle of poverty and save girls from a life of sex work and child labour.

More than anything, though, we can change lives.

If you’ve ever said you wished you could help. If you’ve heard the stories of these women and girls and hoped there was a chance for them to have a better future.

If you’ve ever thought about how grateful you are to live the life you lead but didn’t know how to pay it forward.

Now is your chance.

Now is your time.

Together, we can give these girls a future.

Together, we can change the world.


Millions of girls woke up this morning to a world of abuse and exploitation. You can stop from this happening. Too many girls face a life unimaginable to most of us. A life where little girls are exploited and forced into early marriages, child labour or sex work because their families are too poor and can’t send them to school. Your donation can help save girls from this future. Education is the key to a better life ─ something you can help us to provide.

Together, we can make sure no child is left behind. 

Donate now at:


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