
Women share the meanest things a family member has said to them.

As a kid, I wasn’t particularly attractive. There was a stage where I had an eye patch. Luckily, there’s something called ‘tact’, and most people were pretty good at not telling me to my face that I was ugly, because, you know, that would be rude.

My Nan was not one of these people. When I would sit cuddled next to her, and ask her, “Am I pretty?” she had two words for me: “You’ll blossom.”

Let’s just say, I never got confirmation that I blossomed.

But it turns out my Nan isn’t the only family member who says rude AF things to the people they’re meant to love.

A colleague told me she was recently fat-shamed by her entire family. Her auntie, mum and dad all wanted her to know that they thought she had put on weight and that “something needed to be done.”

Her reaction went something like this:


When our shock wore off, we realised almost all of us had been downright insulted by a family member. It turns out everyone has dickhead relatives.

These are just a few of our most painful experiences, shared anonymously:

“My sister called me a ‘desperate loser’ when I mentioned I’d quite like to have a boyfriend.”

“I was called Goldipig. Apparently I have the memory of a goldfish, and the nose of a pig.”

“Once I spilled petrol on myself (long story), and my sister asked where the matches were.”

Wh...Why? What you gonna do with them? Image via Giphy.

"...She also told me I was adopted."

"When I was a baby I was, like, exceptionally chubby. Rolling in rolls. So my family called me Tubby, and they still call me Tubby 22 years later (even in public)."

"My grandmother has told me I'm worth my weight in gold. She was not being complimentary."

"I was told I was the most rotund of all my sisters."

"When I was a teenager and had really bad acne my little cousin walked in and said, 'Do you have chicken pox? Because there are spots all over your face!' I wanted to f**king die."

"My parents regularly remind me that fat doesn't suit me."

You guys, WTF.

Be nice to your goddamn family.

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