
EXCLUSIVE: Maz Compton fesses up to her "controversial" wedding decision.

Everyone has gone mad for a wedding, right? Is it just a seasonal thing, or are heaps of people getting engaged and planning weddings, or is it just me?! There were two engagements in two weekends at my gym and I asked one of the guy trainers if he could pop the question to his girlfriend the following weekend just to make it a hat-trick! He didn’t, it was the right decision.

The best thing about planning your wedding is the joy it brings. Thinking about the best day of your life finally arriving, in theory at least. But the reality is there are families to contend with, hopes and dreams to fulfill, budgets to stick to and ultimately the Internet to compete with. There’s a lot more to plan than ever before, including being on trend and a suitable hash tag that you’re in laws will understand.

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I’ve already been married and so has my fiancé (round of applause to us both). So the pressure is really off when it comes to putting on a life changing and memorable show for everyone. This time around, the most important part of the whole shebang is that I am 110 percent certain and sure to my guts that I am going to be marrying my actual person. My fiancé is truly my dream person and saying yes when he asked me to marry him was the easiest decision I have ever made. Subscribing to It’s All Connected, a podcast about conspiracy theories, was just as easy.

I don’t want to be all doom and gloom about your groom, but I have heard too many divorcees say that leading up to their wedding they just knew it wasn’t the right thing to do. But there was already so much pressure, so much had been organised, so much money spent, arrangements made and not just the flowers, that the thought of letting everyone invited down was too overwhelming. Not to mention crushing the person they were meant to be spend their life with and ruining the day of our dreams we all hope to have, and only once if we can help it.

Cancelling just didn’t seem like an option and this sadly is a common story. I want to put it out there, that it totally is an option. The disappointment of postponing or cancelling a wedding in order to get your heart and your head in check, is way less gut wrenching that they day your divorce certificate arrives in the mail. Believe me, I know.


With wedding invites coming in thick and fast, here are some things I am saying I don’t to for my next (and final) I do.

I don’t want it to be about the day, I want it to be about us.

People get so carried away with planning a special wedding day to last the ages that they forget that the day is about committing your life to walk side by side your person, which really is the most important part. So I do definitely want to completely customise and tailor out vows to be totally us. A commitment that we write together, makes it personal, it makes it so heartfelt and unique. Nobody can put into words how you feel about your persona and what you want to promise them, better than you can.


I don’t want it to be about everything that it’s not about.

It’s not about the dress, the shoes, the borrowed and the blue. It is about celebrating with your closest friends and family and your new family. So quality time with all of the guests is the best bit. There won’t be a hundred dress fittings and hours in hair make up I want to be comfortable, glowing and look like myself. I live a pretty active lifestyle and I feel like I am in good shape, so there won’t be any hectic shredding for the wedding. I want to cruise into the experience, calm and zen and get around my peeps to eat and celebrate.

LISTEN: Meet Cath Pope, whose vows were scared, the dresses white, and the marriage unrecognised. (Post continues…)

I don’t want everyone’s kids there.

I know this is controversial but seriously, if there are a hundred kids running around a low key all day event, which is the next point, I’m not going to get to hang with my friends and I just mentioned that quality time is essential. Kids means that I am going to see my friend who is super mum to two seconds and counting before she dashes off to rescue her Brax who just jumped into the pool fully clothed. (Yes there will be a pool).


I don’t want it to not be me.

I am an early riser. So an evening event where I spend most of the day not hanging out with my husband because there are curling irons and crystal wreaths being inserted into my head is not my ideal scenario. Just like a formal sit down do is not something I want to do.

It’s not my style, so I do want the day to reflect my new husbands personality and mine of course. This means doing away with hour-long speeches, a bridal party to rival footy team numbers and a horse and carriage (which would be insane because I am allergic to horses). I just want to rock up with my guy, say my I do’s and chill. I want to hang out with my family and friend’s all flippin’ day. An AM ceremony, super casual all day brunch with a few surprises, an epic barista, and custom printed coconuts and food glorious food.

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I don’t want to vanish for photos five minutes after the I do’s.

A friend of a friend actually had their wedding photos done prior to the ceremony, this meant they could hang out with each other and be super chill when it came time for the ceremony. Or you could totally stage the photos the day before if there isn’t an insanely large bridal party. Tight and bright is how I see that.

I don’t want to walk down an aisle to a fashionable for five minutes love song playing with everyone staring at me.

I want to rock up to the ceremony with my guy. I’m not saying we’ll do a Solange and ride fixies to the altar but whatever it is, Luck Dragon ride perhaps? It will be together.

I don’t want to look back on my wedding day and realise I didn’t spend it with my husband.

I want to be by his side all day long and into the night and fully clothed into the pool.

What were the don’ts of your wedding?

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