
Meet the Sydney mayor who delivered his own baby this week.

Leichhardt mayor Darcy Byrne can now add “obstetrician” to his resume after he delivered his own baby girl at home this week.

His wife Rae went into labour on Tuesday night, but it progressed too quickly to make it to the hospital in time.

Cr Byrne called an ambulance, but it was soon obvious the baby was about to make a sudden appearance.

Thankfully, operators talked Cr Byrne through the birth and the new bub was delivered safely.

Taking to Facebook the next day, Cr Byrne wrote:

Image via Facebook @Darcy Byrne.

"You won't believe this. Last night my wife Rae went into labour so quickly that we didn't have to time to get to the hospital. The delivery ward advised me to call an ambulance and while I was doing that, the baby started making her way out," he said.

"I had to stay on the phone to the Ambulance operator who talked us through what to do. A few minutes later our daughter was born and then these wonderful Ambos arrived and took us all to hospital."

Oblivious to all the drama unfolding, the couple's older daughter, Sinead, slept through the home birth.

"Gina, our lovely neighbour who came over to look after Sinead, ended up being witness to a birth (she looked like she needed a stiff drink afterwards)," Cr Byrne continued.

"Sinead learning how to nurse her 1 day old baby sister from the excellent professionals at RPA midwifery ward. Cuteness overload!" Image via Facebook @Darcy Byrne.

"Mum and baby are doing well now. I'm very proud of them. What an effort from Rae! If we live a thousand years, we'll never have a night like that again."

Congratulations to the Byrne family. We're guessing the drama of politics will never even come close to Tuesday night's ordeal...

Do you have an unusual birth story? Let us know below...

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