
Matt Moran cooks lamb in a hot car to remind parents not to leave children in them.

Celebrity chef Matt Moran rarely cocks up a lamb dish.

But, after a couple of hours inside a hot car at Bondi Beach, which reached temperatures of up to 83 degrees, he determined his two trays of lamb were “totally overdone”.

It wasn’t a cooking lesson. It was a terrifying demonstration about the realities of leaving kids in hot cars.

He teamed up with child accident prevention organisation Kidsafe in order to show parents that the family car could easily become a deadly oven — even in a short period of time.

You can watch the video, which aired on The Project, here:

Kidsafe spokeswoman Kellie Wilson said the number of children left in cars each year, despite warnings from authorities, was staggering.

“In Victoria between September 2013 and August 2014, Ambulance Victoria reported no less than 1,165 cases where children had been left unattended in a car,” Ms Wilson said.

“It’s estimated that each year approximately 5,000 children nationally are rescued from hot cars.”

More than 2000 kids were rescued from cars in New South Wales in 2013 and in Queensland up to five incidents of children being left in cars are reported every single day.

matt moran lamb in car
“It’s estimated that each year approximately 5,000 children nationally are rescued from hot cars,” Ms Wilson said. Image via TenPlay.

The statistics are troubling, given temperatures inside a car can be up to 30 degrees hotter than outside.

Ms Wilson said: “75 per cent of the temperature rise occurs within the first five minutes of parking the car and 90 per cent within 15 minutes.”

Sounds like the ideal temperature for slow-cooking meat. Not so great for little people.

Carrie Bickmore suggested putting your wallet or keys in the back seat. It seems simple but an important reminder that could save your little one’s life.

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