
Federal election candidate Matt Loader reveals he was the victim of a shocking gay bashing.


A political candidate has released a touching video that explains why he supports marriage equality.

Labor candidate Matt Loader sat alone in his office and recorded the words Australia needs to hear.

Loader is challenging Liberal Minister, Christopher Pyne for his seat of Sturt in South Australian in the upcoming federal election.

Source: Screenshot/Matt Loader Facebook.

Loader told Australia that he would support a change in the law as he too would be affected.

"I know why hundreds of thousands of Australians think this issue is important," he said.

"It took me a long time to come out about my sexuality with my family and friends."

The Labor candidate used the video to reveal he too has been a victim of homophobia.

"As a young man, I was walking home one night with someone, when I encountered three drunken louts who thought it was okay to bash me up because I was different," he said.

"They bashed me up so badly, that I lost two teeth."

"They bashed me up so badly that I lost permanent feeling on the lefthand side of my face."

Source: Screenshot/Matt Loader Facebook.

Loader said it took him several months to recover from the attack.

"It was six months before I stopped having flashbacks, and stopped being afraid to walk my own neighbourhood at night," he said.

Loader then explained why marriage equality is more than a slip of paper or a symbol of progress.

"Marriage equality is so much more important as a symbol of what Australia should and can be. If we cannot give our citizens equal citizenship, we're giving a green light to hatred," he said.

"Australia can do so much better than this."

Loader finished by saying there would be no prouder moment in his life than when he could cast his vote in favour of marriage equality.

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