
Martha Kalifatidis just said what new mums are thinking.

Martha Kalifatidis had a very difficult pregnancy, and now she's revealed that her health setbacks have only continued in the year following the birth of her son

The content creator is known for many things: her memorable stint on season six of Married At First Sight, where she met her now fiancé, Michael Brunelli; her beauty and skincare recommendations; her 700k-strong Instagram following; and more recently, for becoming a new mother.

She gave birth to her son, Lucius, in February 2023 — a pregnancy that she shared was difficult for her. 

Watch: Advice for five-year-old me, with Martha Kalifatidis. Post continues after video.

Video via Mamamia.

Martha has slowly returned to Instagram over the past 18 months, and in a recent post, shared a snapshot of the medication she takes, shedding light on the reality of being a busy working mother who doesn't really ever get a chance to slow down. 

Martha explained that she's endured seven rounds of antibiotics within the past year, alongside grappling with a variety of other health setbacks — and her transparency offers a glimpse into the reality behind the glitz and glamour of online fame.

"How fuqqed is tonsillitis? I have been wiped out. Let's not even mention the fact I've been on antibiotics seven times in the past 12 months," she wrote. 


"Will my microbiome ever be okay? Would love to hear from anyone who might have some advice on this."

Martha Kalifatidis says she's been struggling with health issues for more than 12 months. Image: Instagram @marthaa__k.

Amidst an outpouring of well wishes, the MAFS alumnus admitted that her body has changed since Lucius' birth.

"I haven't had tonsillitis seven times in 12 months but I have been on antibiotics for other issues seven times in the past 12 months," she said. "Since my tumultuous pregnancy and then giving birth and breastfeeding, I haven't been the same. Feels like I just can't get my health back."


Martha continued, acknowledging that she's led a demanding life since pregnancy.

"I also live a super stressful life, always say yes, stay up late on my laptop/phone and do way too much, so that can't help," she wrote. "But thank you for all your advice."

In November 2022, when announcing the pregnancy, Martha shared that she was experiencing the rare condition hyperemesis gravidarum (or HG). It's a condition that affects one in 100 pregnancies and the symptoms include severe and persistent nausea and vomiting. It can last for more than a few days or, like Martha, for an entire pregnancy.

Martha and Michael celebrated Lucius' first birthday in February. Image: Instagram @marthaa__k.


Later, in June 2023, she told Hello Bump hosts Jessie Stephens and Gemma Pranita that her experience with HG was relentless. 

"Those seven and a half months were grim," she shared. 

The content creator noticed something was wrong when she was overseas and had begun to feel unwell. She'd needed a bucket by her bed at all times. It wasn't general morning sickness — this was much worse, but she didn't get a diagnosis until she returned home to Australia.

"When I finally saw my obstetrician in Australia, a woman I'd never met walked into the room and said, 'Oh jeez, you look like s**t, and I was like 'thank you', finally someone recognised what I was going through."

Basic tasks fell to the wayside, she admitted. "You're not thinking about work or anything, sometimes I wouldn't shower for days."

Despite the pain, Martha said she wouldn't change a thing now that she has her beautiful son.

"I would do it all over again, because I'm so obsessed with him," she said. "It was all worth it in the end."

Feature Image: Instagram @marthaa__k.

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