Parents of teens are the ones suffering from a lack of sex in their relationships according to a new survey. And all this time we’ve been blaming fatigue caused by waking babies and the demands of the toddler years.
A survey conducted for Family Lives say the teenage years are the ones during which most couple’s sex lives suffer.
Now it’s time to fight back.
Everyone always talks about lack of libido when it comes to sex in long-term relationships but what about when the desire is there but the opportunity is not? What if you still desire each other and want sex but the realities of marriage life (stress, jobs, children, pets, children with good hearing) conspire to completely ruin your sex life?
It’s enough to make you drop the kids off at a friend’s house so you can have a naked weekend, or not even a whole weekend.
Embarrassing sex confessions. Article continues after this video.
One hour would be enough. Just one hour during which you and your spouse are not:
a. Exhausted;
b. Being interrupted by kids;
c. Are paranoid about being interrupted by kids;
d. Being interrupted by pets;