reality tv

We might have some bad some news about Married At First Sight's Sarah and Telv.

True love is officially dead.

Sources are saying Sarah and Telv from Married At First Sight are over, and our brittle hearts can’t take it.

According to the Daily Mail, someone overheard Sarah, 38, having a phone conversation about Telv during a girls’ night out with Charlene and Ashley, and let’s just say she wasn’t exactly gushing about the guy.

“Sarah Roza said how much of a train wreck their relationship is,” revealed the source, adding that she apparently said, “All we’re doing is keeping up appearances.”



What she allegedly said backs up a leaked email Telv, 33, had apparently sent the show’s producers just last month, where he called Sarah a “crazy woman”.

“I have blocked her number and refuse to have anymore [sic] talks,” he wrote.

We’ll admit we had pretty high hopes for these two. They seemed to be one of the most genuine couples on the show this season, and whose heart didn’t melt a little bit when Sarah talked about how beautiful Telv made her feel?

But if the reports are true, not only are these two over with a capital ‘O’, but they kind of hate each other too, and that just makes us sad.


We genuinely thought they had the right ingredients to go the distance, but the cracks in their relationship have been forming for some time, and they were especially evident at Wednesday night’s dinner party.

Is Married At First Sight problematic?

Telv told Sarah he was worried they “clash”, and Sarah told Telv she was “wary” of having a long distance relationship.

Even though Telv told her he would be moving to Melbourne once the show wrapped, Sarah wasn’t convinced he was doing it for her. Ultimately, she confessed she was afraid he was going to break her heart.

We just hope their break up is quick and painless. For our sake more than anything.

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