
Forget the wedding, Married at First Sight's Simone was most nervous about her face.

You’d think meeting a total stranger on your wedding day, who you’re expected to marry, would be the most nerve-wracking part of appearing on reality TV show Married At First Sight.

But for participant Simone Brennan there was a bigger worry on her mind; what people would think of her skin.

“I was so nervous about my skin being on the TV as shows it up differently and everything is so obvious up close. I didn’t know whether it would look worse or better,” she told Mamamia.

After dealing with severe acne in her early twenties, Brennan is now left with the scars. Her level of concern worsened when she found that the wedding venue was outside in the bright sunlight.

“When my skin was at its worst, I would wait until the sun went down to leave the house because I was so embarrassed about how it looked,” she says.

Watch: Simone and Xavier meet for the first time. Post continues after video.

“On a daily basis, you don’t want to leave the house without covering it up. I was always nervous about meeting new people, worrying that they were judging and looking at my scars. From everything to going on dates and meeting men, it was hard. It’s very, very embarrassing.”


Simone sans makeup. Image: Supplied

Since the first episode of the weddings aired, many people have commented on and contacted Brennan to ask what products she used for her "gorgeous" look.

"People have said to me how flawless, glowing, gorgeous my skin looks. It's so flattering because going into the show  I was nervous about it, particularly because no one would have known my backstory.  I guess I'm actually quite surprised, everyone is so judgmental on themselves and looking back all I can see is scars so you presume everyone is seeing the same," she says.


"I guess it's a bit of relief and I'm so glad people aren't judging me because for people who suffer from severe acne and are left with scarring, you think about it everyday."

It's no secret that feeling self-conscious about something like acne can seriously affect your self-esteem - even if you're the only one that notices it. Keen to clear up the reality about her 'flawless' skin, Brennan took to Instagram to share her skin story.

{SKIN INSPO} MY SKIN STORY So, I've had a few lovely ladies ask me about makeup products I used on the wedding day, as well as throughout the show, as my skin looks "flawless". These comments are by far the most most flattering, because I can assure you, my skin is far from perfect and has not been close to perfect since I was in my teens. For the majority of my early twenties, I suffered from severe acne. I went on numerous courses of medications and topical creams and nothing seemed to work. I made excuses not see friends or leave the house because I was not only so embarrassed, but it was practically impossible for me to apply makeup without making my condition worse. I empathise deeply with anyone suffering from acne, as it is just that, a suffering. It's something I still think about on a daily basis, as I attempt to cover my acne scars with makeup to make me feel more confident in my skin. Leading up to filming, one of my biggest concerns was people judging me - not only me as a person, but about the scars left on my face, because they are obvious, and I know they are obvious. So thank you. Thank you for the positive comments about my skin. It means so much X

A photo posted by Married At First Sight (@simoneleebrennan) on Apr 19, 2016 at 9:44pm PDT


"I constantly want to inspire woman and love to talk about beauty and I'm not embarrassed to talk about skin. So many people can relate to going through acne as teenagers or adults and with all the comments saying things like 'your skin is flawless', I thought what better opportunity than to say I suffered from acne for five years in my early twenties?" she says.


Having dealt with pimples for many years, the makeup artist opted to do her own makeup for the show. With many not even aware of her skin history the question everyone wanted to know was what products she used.

Turns out there were just three key products.

"I used the Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer ($83), which is waterproof and really good for shiny skin. I then applied the NARS Sheerglow Foundation ($71) with a brush and then Hourglass Ambiant Lighting Powder ($70) for an airbrushed effect and that's really it," she says.(Post continues after gallery). 

After trying multiple treatments, it was going on a stronger dose of Roaccutane that finally cleared up her skin.

"It took three treatments. But those who have been on it would know there are side effects which can be quite severe and they were for me. I'm also on the pill to keep everything at bay and then I take care of my skin with a good skincare routine, always washing my face before bed and never picking at my skin," she says.

However what works for one person, won't always work for everyone.


Before and after. Image: Supplied

"My biggest regret is putting off strong treatment as I was so afraid of the side effects when I had cystic acne and that's what left me with scars. If I'd got it earlier, I probably wouldn't have been left with the scarring. It's so important to get help before it gets out of hand because cystic acne does need treatment, it doesn't cure itself," she says.

"My golden piece of advice for acne sufferers would be to educate yourself and go and seek professional advice from a dermatologist because every case is different and know that there is a cure."

Image: Supplied.

What are your makeup tricks for acne-prone or scarred skin?

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