reality tv

Inside the rumour that Ines and Sam's affair on Married At First Sight is entirely staged.

To catch up on all the Married at First Sight 2019 recaps and gossip, check out the Twins recaps and visit our MAFS hub page.

Hello, we have very important MAFS news.

We advise you to sit down as this may come as a shock.

Yes, okay, so we have reason to believe the ‘cheating scandal’ involving Sam and Ines may be staged by producers.

That is according to Sam’s current girlfriend Akila Ahmunett, who gave an interview to WHO Magazine about their relationship.

(Oh – if you haven’t caught up with the show spoilers – yes, Sam has a girlfriend who is neither his ‘wife’ Elizabeth or Ines, the woman he is currently ‘cheating’ with on reality TV).

Listen to our Married at First Sight recap podcast. Post continues below audio.

Akila told WHO that she’s known about what happens between Sam and Ines on the show since her first date with Sam. But, she says, it’s not authentic.

“At the time [Sam] didn’t know Ines at all so he just did what the producers wanted,” she said. “I know that he is very embarrassed and regretful of it all now.”


Akila initially met Sam in January 2018 through a mutual friend, and while they talked regularly, they didn’t meet up until late last year. She said they’ve been together since December 3.

She’s not the first person to suggest that the affair audiences are seeing between Sam and Ines isn’t real.

Last year’s ‘villain’ Davina Rankin told the Sydney Morning Herald the shows’ stars are guided in a certain way for drama and that her ‘affair’ with Dean was totally orchestrated by producers.

“Dean was told ‘Okay, get your phone out and get ready to text now,’ and I was told the same and when to text with cameras and lights on us,” she said.

“I never even kissed Dean… We were like guinea pigs.”

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