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Jake doesn't have a type. He just 'likes Caucasian women'.

There's nothing quite like watching a Married At First Sight groom squirm when they meet their bride for the first time, only to hide behind the tired old excuse of 'she's not my type.'

We've seen it play out countless times on the show, but this season has taken things to new heights. From Tim declaring his preference for skinny, petite women, to Eliot's laundry list of "non-negotiables" — it's becoming painfully clear that having a "type" is often code for something far more problematic.

Come on now, when a groom immediately starts rattling off physical specifications like they're ordering a coffee, it's usually less about genuine preference and more about masking their own insecurities or, worse, their prejudices. I'm looking at you, Jake. But don't worry, we'll get into that in just a moment.

MAFS JakeThe moment Jake eerily stared down the camera. Image: Nine. 


The pattern is always the same — these men realise they have some problematic preferences that they can't voice without looking like a terrible person, so out comes the 'type' defence wrapped in a neat little bow of 'I just can't help what I'm attracted to.' Their mistake is thinking we don't notice. But we do. Every single time.

Let's start with Jake.

In the most recent episode, Jake's attempt at the photo-ranking task was one of the worst things I've seen on MAFS. Period.

After unnecessarily insulting every bride's physical appearance, including saying Jacqui had "crazy eyes" and that Sierah's face screamed "I could stab you in your sleep", he went onto explain, completely by his own choice, why he didn't rank MAFS bride Awhina higher.

"I'm not racist, but I do like Caucasian people mostly," Jake said with his full chest during last night's episode.

"Awhina, she's a bit Māori, I think. Probably why she's not a bit higher. Just because of the physical features."


Big yikes. And on national TV too.

"I'm not a racist but…" 

If I have to hear this phrase one more time, especially on TV, I swear I'm going to scream. I sometimes can't believe this still needs to be explained in 2025, but here we are: if you have to preface a statement with a warning that you are not a racist, what you're about to say is likely problematic.

Watch Jake's photo ranking task. Article continues after video. 

Video via Instagram/mafs

Let's be honest, 'I'm not racist. My type is just white women' isn't a great cover. The failed attempt to hoodwink the audience into believing that your 'preference' — which excludes anyone who isn't… well, white — isn't a form of racism is not very convincing. When someone says they're 'just not attracted' to an entire ethnic group, it's not just about a dating preference, it's about race.

We've seen this story play out before on MAFS, and each time it's just as infuriating.


Remember Cody's spectacular display of casual racism when he was matched with Selina in season six? His 'lack of attraction' to his Asian bride wasn't just about physical preference — it was about race, plain and simple.

"I'm not racist by any means, but it's not something I'm familiar with," he said, after she asked if her race had anything to do with his lack of attraction.

"Yeah, to be honest, the short answer is it probably did... I've always sort of been open to the idea, it's just something I've never normally gone for. And I don't know what that's from... personal preference."

He later went on to explain that, being from "the beaches" himself, he usually preferred the blonde and beachy type. Is that code for 'white'? Because interestingly, Selina was very blonde during her time on MAFS. And she has been seen, on many occasions, frequenting the beach. Blonde and beachy, wouldn't you say?

So what's the real problem, Cody? It's almost as if his 'preferences' were just a convenient smokescreen for something far more problematic.

MAFS Cody and Selina. "I'm not racist by any means…" Cody said. Image: Nine. 


And while we're unpacking problematic 'preferences' let's also talk about how they're not just limited to race. Enter MAFS 2025's Eliot, who tried to dress up his ageism with the pretence of wanting a "traditional wife."

Let's be crystal clear: what Eliot wants isn't just someone who shares his "traditional values" — he wants someone a full decade younger than him.

At 35, Eliot somehow convinced himself that women his own age were past their use-by date. Instead, he was adamant about wanting someone around 25 — because nothing says 'I'm emotionally mature' quite like seeking out women a decade younger than yourself, right?


MAFS Lauren and Eliot. Eliot., 35, thought Lauren, 37, was too old. Image: Nine. 

And of course, we can't forget the king of 'my bride isn't my preference' — Tim.

Our resident "nice guy" who spent more time telling us how nice he was than actually being nice. The man who looked at Katie — an accomplished, stunning woman — and basically went 'thanks, but no thanks' because she didn't fit into his questionable physical preferences.


The way Tim's 'preferences' evolved faster than a MAFS dinner party argument was truly something to behold. First, he tried to soften the blow for the cameras, saying that Katie was "different" than what he usually goes for, making sure to add that "she's so lovely".

But then when Tim thought the cameras weren't rolling (rookie mistake, mate), he pulled a producer aside for a little chat.

"What the f***. Totally not what I wanted. Not good."

And then came the list. "I normally go, short, petite, blonde or brunette. Like, Katie's nothing what normally I'd go for. Just no attraction. There's nothing there."

MAFS Tim and Katie"Nice guy" Tim and his wife Katie. Image: Nine. 


This from the same guy who claimed during his audition tape that he didn't have a type. Funny how these 'preferences' seem to materialise exactly when they're needed as an excuse, isn't it?

The cherry on top? His attempt at damage control: "It's not like I wanted a 'skinny blonde', it's not that." Sure, Tim.

One minute he's claiming he doesn't have a type, the next he's specifically requesting "short" and "petite" women — which, let's be honest, is just another way of saying he wanted someone skinny. He knew exactly how it would sound if he said what he really meant, so instead, we got treated to his supposed 'preferences' that fooled absolutely no one.

Time and time again on MAFS, we get fed the same narrative. Grooms will throw around coded language like "petite" and "athletic" and "takes care of herself," dancing around what they actually mean, while thinking they're being subtle.

News flash: you are not.

Feature Image: Nine. 

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