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Married at First Sight's Bronson opens up about the murder of his older brother.

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Married At First Sight groom Bronson Norrish stunned viewers with his tragic history on Monday night.

In the space of five years, he lost two brothers and his mother.

“I really miss my family,” he said. “But I’m very close to my dad now. Losing all the other family members made us realise we’ve only got each other.”

The 34-year-old told TV Week how he managed to cope with the string of tragedies, which began when his brother Sasha was murdered in 2003.

He said that he turned to alcohol after the death of his brother, whose killer has never been caught.

Then when his mum, Sancha, died a year later due to complications in a medical operation, he threw himself into work on a cattle farm.


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But, as he explained to his new wife Ines, he gave himself a new purpose when on Mother’s Day two years after her death, he decided to listen to her dying wish.


“It was her wish, or one of her last wishes, that I either become a singer or a stripper,” he said.

“And try as I may, it turns out I can’t sing for sh*t. So on Mother’s Day two years later, on Mother’s Day I went to a strip club and applied for a job and I got it.

“My mum wanted us to be happy and she was a real quirky old lady. I thought she thought we could do anything we wanted to.

“And it turns out she was dead on the money – it was an amazing job.”

These are the exact phrases we find ourselves yelling at the TV while watching Married at First Sight. Post continues after video.

However, just as he was getting his life back on track, his brother Brodie died under mysterious circumstances. This time though, stripping helped him to cope.

“When I found out about my eldest brother, I went to work, did five shows, and bawled my eyes out in the car park afterwards,” he told TV Week. “I just buried myself in work.”

Despite telling the publication that he wakes up every day striving “to be happy”, he also gave an insight into the toll his family’s death has taken on him.

“When I get a phone call unexpectedly I feel sick, because I think someone has died. But you just have to get on with it,” he said.

“I hang around with happy people. If you surround yourself with sorrow and anger, it will eat away at you.”

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