reality tv

Married At First Sight's John Aiken asks for 2019 applicants. Promptly regrets everything.

We loved Married at First Sight.

The show was a continuous stream of drama that fed us with all the scandals, breakups, couple switching and fights, but let’s face it, the selling point of MAFS was not in its ability to help couples find love.

Why? Two words: Sarah and Telv. (And, you know, every other couple from the series – but mostly those two.)

Despite this, certain people *ahem* the experts *ahem* are still hopeful.

Don’t ask us why. Something called “lots and lots of money” probably has something to do with it.

So when John Aiken posted a video to his Instagram and Twitter calling for a new round of singles “looking for love” to apply for the next season, the people weren’t having any of it.

The tweet read: Big call out to all those singles who are looking for love! Jump on board and head to to apply. We want you to be a part of @MarriedAU Series 6 and now is the time to take the plunge!

The negative response was so intense that Aiken’s tweet and Instagram video were subsequently deleted.

Basically, the collective response sounded a whole lot like this: “Hahahahahahahahaha you suck at couple matching, so no thanks.”

It’s not hard to see why The People doubt the MAFS experts’, uh, expertise.

Let’s review:

1. So far in the show’s entire history only two couples are still together – Zoe Hendrix and Alex Garner, and Erin Bateman and Bryce Mohr, from the first and second season respectively.


2. A week and a half after the season finale it’s been confirmed that none of the original couples have stayed together. Melissa and John were our last hope but they announced their split yesterday.

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3. Let’s face it, the experts aren’t very good at selecting legitimate, dedicated spouses. Matchmaking might be hard, and people are weird, but the least they could do was find contestants dedicated to the cause. Which they most definitely didn’t. *looks at Davina and Dean*


4. We’re pretty sure everybody this season was on the show for the Instagram likes, which makes for great television, but not so much when suddenly you realise that your wife has cheated on you and it’s only the second week of you knowing each other. Sorry Ryan.

A post shared by John Aiken (@johnaikenlive) on

However, should you still find yourself curious, and indeed “looking for love,” you can still apply through their website.

Power to you.

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