
Who needs the government's free marriage counselling? Yours is way better

The Government wants you to try relationship counselling on the house. We’re already all over that…

Do you feel your marriage is going a bit pear-shaped? Tony Abbott wants to give you a hand.

The Federal Government is on a mission to save relationships across Australia by shouting couples a round of counselling.

conflict resolution

The scheme will begin with a 12-month trial of 100,000 couples, and while the focus is on newlywed or almost married couples, those in committed de-facto relationships - same-sex ones included - are also eligible for vouchers.

The Minister believes the scheme will forge better family environments for kids. "The evidence shows that strong relationships between parents make a substantial difference to a child,'' he said, adding that marriage counselling has been shown to help committed couples "move through the phases of their relationship with improved relationship skills, strengthening relationships for up to five years."

Whatever you think of the Government's new scheme, we've got a plan to save their $200. Last week we asked iVillagers for their best tips for a happy marriage , and we think their wise words are pretty valuable. It's kind of like counselling, only you don't have to sit awkwardly in the foyer waiting your turn and we won't be sending you a bill in the mail.

Take it away, and then please feel free to add your own:

1. "Having children puts pressure on even the closest couples. Be kind to each other" - Cassandra

2. "Marriage isn't 50/50. It's 100/100. And listen, take a breath and listen" - Nicole

3. "Try and have some 'you' time away from each other occasionally. Listen to each other and be considerate" - Emma

4. "Don't run when the going gets tough, we all have bad times. You have to work through them and be prepared to give and take" - Shannon

5. "Live together for at least 3 years first" - Christina

6. "Don't take each other for granted, and once you have children don't forget that you are a wife/husband not just mum/dad. Keep having fun together ... but most of all, only marry the person you'd rather spend time with above anyone else. You don't stay with the one you can live with, it's the one you can't live without" - Ali

7. "In planning your big day, don't forget the reasons you are getting married! Don't get so carried away in the hype that you forget to nurture the life you are creating together" - Marissa

8. "Combine incomes so you can set your goals and work as a team, mine and yours will never work" - Sara

9. "Don't try to change the other person. After all you fell in love with them the way they are!" - Vic

10. "Patience, perseverance, tolerance, forgiving, acceptance - just some of the words to remember when you are married. It's not all fun and games, especially when the honeymoon is over ... Just enjoy the good times and forgive and forget the bad times!" - Lyn

What tips would you add to this list? And will you be taking up the Government's offer for free counselling?

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