
It's official: Happy wife, happy life.

Pretty much every second person we met, after my husband proposed to me, gave my husband some advice on how to “survive” being married to me.

Thankfully, it wasn’t just me.

Apparently marriage is a survival thing for men (regardless of the wonderful person they are marrying).

Read more: 21 things I hope my husband-to-be knows.

All the advice was along the same lines.

“Happy wife, happy life.”

My husband smiled through the advice. Walking the delicate line of being polite, and not wanting to agree and have me rant about it later.

I rolled my eyes.

But turns out, that terrible, terrible advice is actually true.

Apparently, you should always be this happy... just for your husband's health. Image via iStock.

Researchers have looked into what makes men stressed in marriage.

The findings showed that men become stressed when their wives are.


Lead author Kira S. Birditt explains:

"We were particularly fascinated that husbands were more sensitive to wives' stress than the reverse especially given all of the work indicating that wives are more affected by the marital tie. We speculate that this finding may result from husbands greater reliance on wives for support which may not be provided when wives are more stressed."

The study, which assessed 356 married and cohabiting couples from 2006 to 2010, also found that as the marriage failed or became more negative, men were more affected health wise. Which could lead to worse health conditions later down the track.

Maybe our partners need to take up some Yoga. Image via iStock.

While all of this explains why, when we are having a bad day, our partners seem to be having a bad day too.

Read more: “Dear future husband, this is how I expect you to propose.”

It implies that we shouldn't be stressed, in case it makes our husbands stressed.

Which I don't entirely agree with.

What do you think?

20 ways to fall back in love with your partner. CLICK ON the gallery...

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