
Oh dear. Netflix hilariously used the wrong image to promote Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.


Since its debut at the beginning of the year, Netflix’s Tidying Up With Marie Kondo has certainly had an impact.

From inspiring the creation of hundreds of hilarious memes to influencing viewers to throw out all of their useless junk, decluttering guru Marie Kondo has truly taken the internet by storm.

This week, the popular reality show is blowing up on social media once again after one fan of the show noticed a particularly awkward glitch on Netflix.

Rather than showing a sweet image of Japanese organising consultant Kondo, many Netflix users were instead shown a still from Netflix original Close.

“Either there’s a Netflix glitch or Marie Kondo’s methods have escalated,” one man pointed out on Twitter.


Considering Tidying Up With Marie Kondo is such a ridiculously wholesome, cheery show, it was a little jarring to see an image of Close character Sam Carlson holding an AK-47 instead.

But despite the glitch, fans found it pretty hilarious to imagine sweet, petite Marie Kondo taking a more, erm, aggressive approach to things that don’t spark joy.

The Netflix glitch has since gone viral on Twitter with over 200,000 likes and 50,000 retweets.

And of course, people have responded with plenty of memes about Kondo’s new ‘aggressive methods’.







Even Chrissy Teigen weighed in on the hilarious glitch.


But she soon felt a little bad about her reaction.

Have you watched Tidying Up With Marie Kondo yet? Let us know in the comments.


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