
Take a tour of Mariah Carey and James Packer's new home.

Mariah Carey and James Packer have moved into a small cottage in a remote village in Iceland, where they plan to live in privacy, with a few pet goats and a llama.

…just kidding.

The newly-engaged couple will now call the Kardashians and Justin Bieber neighbours, after moving into an $11 million Mediterranean mansion in Calabasas, California.

Maracker are reportedly renting the one-storey, 1203 square metre property for a cool $350,446 a month. What a bargain – amirite?!

The house sits within the exclusive gated Oaks community, and is two doors down from Kourtney Kardashian’s home. Without officially knowing Kourtney’s reaction to her new neighbours, we assume it goes something like this:


Image via giphy.

But the rich and famous neighbours aren’t the only ones who get a tour of Mariah Carey and James Packer’s new home. Because behold: we have pictures.

Maracker house 1
Image via zillow.com.

The property boasts six bedrooms and nine bathrooms. Why so many bathro….never mind, who are we to question the tastes of people who could literally buy us if they wanted to?

Here’s a birds-eye view in case you missed just HOW BIG IT IS.

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Image via zillow.com.

The house looks like it will have plenty of space for Carey’s four-year-old twins Moroccan and Monroe, and Packer’s three children, Indigo, Jackson and Emmanuelle.

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Image via zillow.com.

And it looks like the property will be a hell of a lot of fun for the Maracker clan.

pool maracker
“Excuse me, Maracker. But may I please swim in your pool?” Image via zillow.com.

But the parents will be having the most fun, with the perfect set-up for some saucy rendezvous.

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Image via zillow.com.

Watch Mariah Carey discuss how she instantly bonded with James Packer. Post continues after video.

Video via NBC

There’s also a cinema, which will be perfect to watch multiple screenings of Mariah Carey’s AMAZING movie Glitter.

maracker theatre
That’s my kind of movie theatre. Image via zillow.com.

And there’s a modern kitchen, because, you know, cooking etc.

Personally, I’d be spending all my time in the theatre. Image via zillow.com.

And a cute dining table, with enough seats for everyone.

dining room
Image via zillow.com.

So there you have it. Maracker’s modest new home. Don’t forget to bring over some baked goods as a housewarming gift.

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