
30-yr-old Manuel likes getting cards. On his birthday he received 30,000.


Just when we feel bogged down with terrible news in the world, something comes along that cheers us up.

Meet Manuel Parisseaux.

Manuel has Down syndrome and turned 30 last week.

Manuel Parisseaux. Image via Facebook. 

His father Lucien took to Facebook at the beginning of November to ask his friends for a favour.

He wrote, “My son, Manuel, will turn 30 on the 22nd of November. He loves receiving postcards. I have come to ask you to take a few minutes of your time and send him a card.

Manuel with his mother, Jacqueline. Image via Facebook.

Lucien had only 22 Facebook friends, but his post soon went viral. The simple request has been shared over 120,000 times and people from all over the world began sending cards to Manuel.

By his birthday, he had received 30,000 cards.

“We are a bit overwhelmed,” his mother Jacqueline told local media.

Jacqueline and Manuel with some of the 30,000 cards. Image via 

“We couldn’t imagine that my husband’s Facebook message would trigger such a phenomenon. It’s beautiful, it’s wonderful!”

Manuel’s sister, Cathy, said the act of kindness reminded her that the world is a wonderful place sometimes.

“People say that our world is selfish,” she said.

“I can now say that this isn’t true. Everywhere, parents asked their kids to draw something for Manuel and taught them about the right to be different.

“People took the time to go to the post office for my brother. It is a beautiful lesson in humanity.”

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