A 25-year-old man in Sweden will forever be admired as a shining example of excellent life decisions, after he officially changed his name to include 63 titles.
The idiot/champion is now officially called (take a deep breath):
Kim-Jong Sexy Glorious Beast Divine Dick Father Lovely Iron Man Even Unique Poh Un Winn Charlie Ghora Khaos Mehan Hansa Kimmy Humbero Uno Master Over Dance Shake Bouti Bepop Rocksteady Shredder Kung Ulf Road House Gilgamesh Flap Guy Theo Arse Hole Im Yoda Funky Boy Slam Duck Chuck Jorma Jukka Pekka Ryan Super Air Ooy Rusell Salvador Alfons Molgan Akta Papa Long Nameh Ek.
Or, Papah Long Nameh for short.
Papah – clearly the epitome of maturity. That’s the official name-change on the right. (pic)Papah was originally born Alexander Ek, but began changing his name when he turned 18. Swedish law does not put a limit on the amount of names a person can have, and The Local reports that Papah has officially changed his name 6 times, adding a few more carefully chosen words each go.
“My parents were a little confused the first time a letter came addressed to Usama-Bin Ek instead of Alexander,” he said.
Papah now holds the record for the longest name in Sweden (and probably the world).
Your move, celebrity parents.
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