
The nine best reactions to this man's silent protest on International Women's Day.

Some people celebrated International Women’s Day by talking about the achievements of inspiring, incredible and influential women…

Then there’s this guy, who chose to don a surgical mask with the words ‘Never support women’ on it, and ride around on Melbourne trams.

Fellow commuters spotted the man and shared with the Facebook group Feminism & Decolonisation, who posted a photo of the man as a public service announcement.

Mia explains what Frances McDormand was going on about. Post continues.

“We live in a world where men feel safe publicly promoting sexism and misogyny while I don’t feel safe wearing a miniskirt in rush hour in case I’m assaulted,” the group’s moderator wrote.

“Thank you… for proving WHY we need International Women’s Day.”

Of course, social media users had something to say about the man –  who also apparently protested marriage equality with a “no” mask last year – and his particular form of “silent protest”.

Here are nine of the best:

What would you like to say to the man wearing the mask? Tell us in the comments below.

It’s already shaping up to be a big year for kick-arse women…

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