
Murray is in love with Noni. They've been together for years. She's a sex doll.

A Queensland man has offered Australian audiences a little insight into what it’s like to be in love with a sex doll.

The man known only as Murray invited ABC journalist Mike Clay into the home he shares with sex doll Noni.

It seems like the kind of story that would make an audience flinch but there is a tenderness to Murray and an overwhelming sense of loneliness too.

Murray has owned dolls for over eight years and hopes that after he passes Noni will either be sold or “adopted out” to somebody who will care for her.

“No-one will love her as I do and have done but someone may care enough, for a while,” he said.

Source: Screenshot/ABC.

The Queenslander said that although he would prefer the company of a real woman, it isn't that easy of an option.

"If one had a complete choice, you'd rather a real woman. But that's not always available to people," he said.

Murray said the first thing that hits you about the dolls is their "dead weight".

The dolls must be carefully positioned and connected to a variety rope and pulley systems for storage and sexual function.

The use of the dolls for sexual purposes is a keen interest of Murray's as he says it offers him a sense of "oneness" and temporary relief from the constant pain caused by Scoliosis.


Watch Murray explain his thoughts on sex. Post continues. 

Video via ABC

"I cannot imagine living without it being a part of my life." he says.

Murray says the type of sex the two have depends on a variety of factors including what mood she is in.

"One day she'll be into B.D.S.M and another day it'll just be 'hold me close and cuddle'."

Murray says he loves his doll but not in a "human" context.

He says it is this desire for an emotional connection that sets him apart from other owners who view their dolls purely as masturbatory tools.

Source: Screenshot/ABC.

The dolls are individually made to ensure they carry a sense of unique identity. This identity is then in a constant state of flux as they are able to wear a variety of wigs, make-up styles and clothing.

Murray is so careful with maintaining this individuality he will even ensure each doll wears a different perfume.

"I've had four dolls and each of them is different.  Just as each has a different style of clothing, they'll have different perfumes," he said.

"That little blouse she's got there, that was part of my mother's estate."

Source: Screenshot/ABC.

Murray lives alove with Noni and says her presence offers his loneliness a soft relief.

"If I come home from shopping, she's here, in the house. Thank God the house isn't empty! It's not empty," he said.

"It doesn't even feel silent."

Noni also provides Murray with somebody to speak to about challenges and victories of everyday life.

"You talk to them. You're talking through your issues, your life, your highs, your lows, your joys, your sadnesses, whatever. And it just helps," he said.

The story of Murray and Noni comes as the second installment of larger ABC series called Story Hunters.

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