
Man thwarts Facebook scammer using only the power of Adele.

“Sandra Jones” got more than she bargained for when she tried to hit up a Danish Adele fan for money.

The Facebook scammer was no match for Frank Flemming Jensen, Adele and the lyrics of her smash hit song ‘Hello’.

Jones kicked off the conversation with some flattery, followed by a request for money for a plane ticket, all the while not realising she was responding to lyrics Jensen was sending her from the hit song.

Jenson says "hello". Source: Reddit

"I was wondering if we could meet after all these years, would you like to meet?" he asked, apparently wanting to go over everything.

She responded enthusiastically at first — clearly thinking she'd hit the jackpot  — but quickly became frustrated by her conversation partner's inexplicable bouts of absent mindedness.


Jenson says "hello"... again. Source: Reddit

And didn't even seem to twig when then when he spouted the "I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be line", despite clearly living in Denmark.

You can read the correspondence in full here (post continues after gallery):

Eventually Jones, who clearly doesn't follow popular music, realised that in fact she was the one being and, oh boy, was she mad.

"YOU ARE MAKING ME A JOKE YOU IDIOT ... I SMASH YOUR LIFE" she screamed (capitals are the Internet equivalent of yelling, duh).


Jenson simply said "hello".

Jenson says "hello"... again and again and again. Source: Reddit


Then screen shot the entire exchange and posted it on Reddit, obviously.

Watch Adele lose it when she realises she knows fan she invited up on stage:

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