real life

PODCAST: Mamamia Out Loud #39: Births, deaths, and what really matters.

ING DIRECT Dreamstarter
Thanks to our brand partner, ING DIRECT Dreamstarter

Warning: this episode contains adult content. It also contains a baby at some point. Because that’s life in this workplace.

The latest episode of the Mamamia Out Loud podcast is up.  Mia Freedman, Jamila Rizvi and Monique Bowley explain the situation with Abyan, confess the moment they realised their boyfriend might be gay, and ponder awkward family photos.

Listen in itunes, or here:

Plus, what was the moment you knew your relationship was over?


Also, so many of us say we want to leave the world a better place. This week the podcasts say goodbye to someone who actually did.

Because in the end, what will you be remembered for at your funeral? How diligently you worked at your job, how many sacrifices you made for your career? No. It will be those inner virtues;  Kindness. Loyalty. Hope. Generosity.  So why do they get lost in the rigmarole of everyday life?

It’s deep this week, guys.

Listen in itunes: and join the facebook family here.

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