
Dear old man politicians: this is how a supportive workplace does breastfeeding.

Thanks to our brand partner, Audible.com.au

This week at work I saw a boob.

And it wasn’t even on Miley Cyrus‘ Instagram feed. It was right there in front of me IRL.

This sort of display is nothing new here. We’re not running a nudist convention, it’s just that somehow, when you work in an office that’s pretty much all women, you end up seeing a boob or two.

Let me explain.

This week was #libspill, and our politics junkie, general government interpreter and adviser in these matters, Jamila Rizvi, was not at work. She hasn’t been at work for a while, because she’s on maternity leave having birthed a bebe.

So while we were all at work chanting SPILL SPILL SPILL and hanging onions on our doorknobs, she was at mothers group doing the iggle-piggle-wiggle.

But soon the message came. And she raced home.

The very next day, she arrived at work, teeny tiny baby in sling, and plonked him on the floor so we could record our podcast.

3 women and a baby.

And right as she was in the thick of it, hands waving, explaining what was going on, answering mine and Mia Freedman’s thousand questions (like: WTF is an actual spill? And how long was Malcolm plotting this? And what happens next?) The baby started squeaking.

And then it turned into a wail. And without even missing a beat, she picked him up, whipped out her boob, stuck him on, and calmly continued explaining why Lucy Turnbull will be an extraordinary First Lady while he happily gnawed away at her nipple.


And my face was like this:



Just kidding, it was actually this.


That is freakin awesome.


And then we just kept recording like it was NBD.

And that, sirs, is how you do it.

Unlike Kelly O’Dwyer, who after the birth of her daughter Olivia in May, was advised to express her breast-milk rather than breastfeed in parliament, in order to prevent disruption, we here are OK with the disruption.

Because some days you gotta exchange nappy spills for political ones to come in and do your job. That’s the modern way. Get with the program.

Quite literally, you can get with the program by listening here:


Listen in itunes (best option for iphones)

Listen in Soundcloud (Great for android)

Listen to the MP3 (excellent for desktop listening)


Or for the FULL bonus political show, find that in itunes HERE or Soundcloud here.

And for some cute overload, here’s the bit where the baby got the hiccups:


If you’re still new to podcasts, here’s how to get them on your phone. And come like the Facebook page for more excellent women on radio.

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