
Open Post: A weekend to get back to me.

The Mornington Peninsula.


Hi friends, and welcome to another week of Open Post.

This is a weekly Mamamia tradition where you can tell us what’s happening in your world. We want to know the good and the bad, and please ask about anything you need advice on.

I’ll start things off.

I need to tell somebody about my weekend. Anyone up for listening? K, Thanks.

For the first time in a long time,  I got to stop. And when I stay stop,  I mean STOP. I finally got to relax.

Unlike most weekends where I’m trying to fit everything I don’t have time for during the week, in to two days. After washing, cleaning, grocery shopping, running errands and catching up with family and friends, I barely have time to sit down, let alone relax. But this weekend was different.

Lindenderry at Redhill

It started from when I hopped on my flight (Thanks Tiger Airways!) from Sydney to Melbourne. And it was at that moment that I sat down and just exhaled.

Next stop was one of the most stunning places that I never new existed until four days ago – the Mornington Peninsula. (It’s  only an hour and half drive from Melbourne airport) and it was there that we got up close and personal with the Lindenderry at Red Hill.

As we rolled through the entrance, there was a well groomed vineyard to our left, with the sun peeping through the perfectly aligned rows of vines. Near it was a quaint cellar door, and down the gravel path was our accommodation. Thoughts stopped processing for a moment as I just took it all in.


As I walked in to my room I think I actually gasped out loud, it was breathtaking (literally). The big bed, the antiques and artefacts, the view of the garden – it seriously felt like something from a movie.

During the day, we strolled around the grounds, drove through the hinterland and saw views of the water, and of Philip Island.

Then we returned to Lindenderry to taste some wines, and get ready for our dining experience  – Zucchini flowers, pork belly, lamb and steak cooked to perfection, all coupled with perfect drops of red. We finished the night off with the most delicious rendition of cookies’n’cream I have ever tasted.

Then it was time for sleep. SLEEP. This kind of sleep:

Uninterrupted, silent, dark, perfect sleep.

As we drove back to the airport the next day, I looked out over the property, and reflected for a moment. What was so great about the weekend wasn’t necessarily all of the food and luxuries (although they weren’t bad either!) It was having a moment to stop, and reflect. A weekend to get back to me.

Big thanks to Lindenderry for having us, to Tiger Airways for flying us and Andrew, our waiter, for being the greatest encyclopaedia of wines there ever was. 

And now over to you. What’s been happening in your world?

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