
Open Post: How's your week going so far?

Grace Jennings-Edquist, our new site producer.



Welcome to our Wednesday tradition here at Mamamia, Open Post.

Instead of letting me choose a topic (because, to be honest, I wouldn’t be able to decide between Rachelle Louise and this horrendous video clip, neither of which I can wrap my feminist brain around), we open the conversational floor up to your fine selves.

The best part? There are no rules. So go ahead. Share some hilarity from your week, vent about your crazy job, complain about the kids,or drop some words of wisdom for other readers seeking advice.

Personally, I’ve had a massive week. After a brief stint interning at Mamamia mid-last year, I’ve been invited aboard as a staffer (because clearly I nailed my first Open Post back then). It’s a big change, as I used to work doing human-rightsy things down in Melbourne, but I love it.

I’ve only been here two days but you know how you hear stories about working in all-women’s offices and how it sounds like a fun, incredible, super fast-paced movie? It’s all true.

Amidst the chorus of tapping keyboards as we feverishly work away at our Macs (I assure you, no office in Australia has so many touch-typists in the one place), we’ve already covered very important conversational topics including (a) too-tight red-carpet underwear, (b) why chocolate eggs with smarties inside them are 70% better than other chocolate eggs, and (c) which celebrity memes are most appropriate for Valentine’s Day.

It’s great to be here – and I can’t wait to get to know the Mamamia community even better.

Anyway, enough from me. How’s the week going for you so far?

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