Hello friends, happy hump day.
Welcome to Open Post.
If you’re new to this space, it’s a weekly place to share what’s going on in your life. You can talk about anything and everything that is happening in your world. It’s all open for discussion here.
I’m Sarah, the new Native Advertising and Editorial Assistant at Mamamia and I’m excited to be kicking off the Open Post chat this week…
So what am I going to talk about?
On Friday I got my first ever wisdom tooth out.
For those of you who have ever had one or two, or..FOUR teeth out you’ll understand how terrible the rest of my weekend could have been.
The first day consisted of facial ice baths, followed by pain killers, followed by sleep, followed by hunger pains (because I couldn’t eat anything!), back to facial ice baths to repeat the whole process again.
Yup that was my Friday night fun.
But being new to Sydney (coming from the great bush capital) I didn’t want to waste my whole weekend – of glorious sunshine – stuck inside, when there are so many beautiful beaches so close by!
So I managed to get out into the sunshine and had a morning in Maroubra with my sister, caught up with one of my best friends at Bronte in the afternoon, and went to Coogee with my boyfriend on Sunday.
So a beautiful beach filled weekend (even if my face was swollen like a balloon)
And I can finally eat solid food without wincing today. Hurrah.
Okay, enough from me. What’s been happening in your world?