
Open Post: How's your week going?

That’s me!





Hi lovely readers!

Welcome to the Mamamia Open Post. If you’re new here, this is the place where we all come together and share stories of how our week is going.

I’ll get us started by introducing myself – my name is Brydie and I am an intern here at Mamamia.

All that’s been on my mind this week is the heat. I was in the Blue Mountains and was lucky enough to have an air conditioner and pool at my disposal. In the afternoon as I sat by the pool, a Snapchat filter informed me it was 46 degrees – enough to melt the ice in my waterbottle in seconds!

Temperatures like these make me excited to go back to my hometown on the NSW Mid North Coast next week – a beautiful little coastal town called South West Rocks – where my parents live a mere minutes walk from the beach.

Getting to a beach from where I live now in Sydney’s Inner West is not nearly as easy. Living away from home for nearly a year now, the beach and its glorious closeness, (and of course my fabulous family) are some of the things I miss the most.

Despite the time and effort it takes to get to Sydney’s beaches from my new home, I have fallen in love with some. My favourites are Manly (not just because it’s where my boyfriend lives!), Coogee and Maroubra.

My sister Nina took this panorama at South West Rocks’ Little Bay

I think I’ll spend the rest of the week daydreaming about cool pristine water and warm soft sand. I’ll definitely be going to as many beaches as I can on my days off to escape.

Enough about what I’m thinking – what will you be daydreaming of and getting up to this week?



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