
Mamamia Live on Sky News: Show #2

UPDATE: Here is the show!

We’re back! I learned a lot last week. One friend said I should use less autocue so clearly I managed to make it sound like I was reading when I wasn’t. I also learned that I don’t like to sit so far away from my guests and that I have to be myself more and memorise my lines less.

I’m still chewing my nails like a crazy woman but I’m feeling less nauseous than I was last week. I’m even excited.

I would love for you all to jump in on the conversation as we go to air. Feedback is fun (except when it’s not), but I’m just as interested in what you think about the issues we’re discussing.

For those of you on Twitter, the hashtag is #MMSky and you can follow the Twitter feed at the bottom of the post.

Here’s a little bit about the panel.

1. Caroline Overington.

Caroline Overington

Caroline Overington is a journalist for the Australian, a two-time Walkley winner, and a writer. Her second novel, I Came to Say Goodbye, has just been selected as one of the Australia Council’s Fifty Books You Can’t Put Down.

Kate Ellis

2. Federal Minister Kate Ellis, MP

Kate is the Federal Minister for Employment Participation and Child Care and the Minister for the Status of Women. In 2004 she became the youngest woman ever elected to the House of Representatives. Kate helped set up the Body Image Advisory Council of which Mia was a member. Kate has fast become one of the most familiar faces in the Rudd/Gillard Government.

Bettina Arndt

3. Bettina Arndt

Bettina trained as a clinical psychologist before becoming Australia’s best known sex therapist and social commentator.  Her international best-seller, The Sex Diaries, was based on couples keeping diaries showing how they negotiate their sex supply and deal with mismatched desire.  Her most recent research was about why sex matters so much to men, with men talking about their secret delights, pleasures and frustrations. Their painfully honest, often hilarious stories were published in What Men Want, (MUP, September 2010.)


Don’t forget to chime in if you’ve got something to say. What are your thoughts?

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