April 3 1996 changed our lives forever, it is the day that we lost our hopes and dreams as first time parents and started a completely new journey.
Our little boy was 5 ½ months old and developing normally.
One morning he woke up very late, and something was not right. His eyes just stared at me and when I picked him up he cried in pain. I changed his nappy and found there was blood in it.
After an initial panic we took him to the doctor who, after consultation with a paediatrician, concluded that Cameron had developed a bowel infection.
We were sent home to try and get his fluids up and collect a stool sample. We visited the doctor again because Cameron wasn’t drinking at all and was now feverish and had diarrhoea, however we were sent home for the night to see if he got better.
That night was horrendous, Cameron spent the whole night arching his back and screaming a distinctive scream that I never want to hear again.
In the morning we were back at the doctors and it was decided that Cameron was at risk of dehydrating and we should take him to hospital. We were living in an isolated mining town, four hours north of a major centre with a regional hospital. We were a low priority for the Royal Flying Doctors Service, so it was decided that it would be quicker to drive ourselves than wait for a plane.