
Best and worst of the week. What's going on?

Welcome to Mamamia ‘s  best and worst of the week. It’s pretty straightforward; we share our best moments and our worst moments from the week that was. Doesn’t matter how big or small your best and worsts might be – everything counts.

I have had the week to beat all weeks, so I’ll kick off for you all…

Best: It’s been such a fun week at Mamamia HQ. Tuesday saw a bunch of us head along to the Target “TOTES AWKS” Christmas party which was just… amazing. It takes a lot to get the whole Mamamia Team to a party (busy, busy) but this one had it all: Christmas carols, Baileys, arancini, Santa sacks full of presents, and dress-ups.

This happened:

And this happened:

(Second from the left in the above pic is Kate Pasterfield – the newest member of the Mamamia Team. We love her sense of spirit already. Also – if you want to take your own awkward selfie, head to Beach Road in Bondi today. You get a free hard copy!)

I left the party pretty early because on Wednesday morning, I had to appear on breakfast television. I know, I know – it’s such a rough life. You see, Wake Up on Channel Ten kindly asked me to come on and talk about this Mamamia post.

Here I am, chatting away to Natasha and James:

Loved being there. Loved every minute of it. The view from the studio is beyond stunning and the vibe is so relaxed. Under the table, Natasha was barefoot (they’d just been filming on the beach). You can click here to watch my segment if you like.


And finally… on Thursday, I went to another epic event (two in one week! Who would’ve thought it?) for adidas on behalf of Mamamia. It was all very hush-hush – I didn’t know what I was going to be doing. All I knew is that I had to travel somewhere by seaplane, and that it had something to do with the new adidas miCoach Smart_Run watch (the most advanced running device currently on the market – think GPS/watch/heart rate monitor/music device/personal trainer, all in one device).

The event was amazing (Boat House at Palm Beach, anyone?). The watch is amazing (more on that later). The national park where we ran was amazing. LIFE IS AMAZING.

Worst: I now want to travel everywhere by seaplane.

And finally, the team at Mamamia want to let you know about a new competition we’ve got running. It’s called Back Seat Heroes and every week, we’re asking you to use social media to share details of the special moments you have with your kids in the car. Each week we’ll give one first place winner a $750 cash card and tge runner up a $250 cash card. And after four weeks, an overall winner will score $2000.

To enter – check out this Mamamia post and just make sure you hashtag all your entries with #backseatheroes.

And here’s are some of our entries from this week where we asked you about the awkward questions your kids ask in the car. (And there’s still time to enter this week!)

How was your week? What’s on your mind?


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