
Best and worst of the week.

How was your week?







I’m so excited to get the ball rolling this week with my best and worst.

My week’s been filled with writing, work and confusing weather changes.

The worst has definitely been the end of the year approaching so quickly. In November my partner and I are taking the plunge and moving to a completely new city. The unknown leaves me weak at the knees, calves, ankles and toes and with the speed this half of the year is going – the actual move day is approaching at a rate I’m not quite comfortable with.

The best for me was when one of my long time best friends welcomed her little girl, Aamira Rah into the world. As I sat there looking at Aamira’s little hands and tiny fingernails, it finally sunk in that the little worries (like moving!) will usually work out, so there’s not much point in stressing.

It’s so grounding to be holding a little person made by someone you love. How awesome are women to pop out little people?!

Well done everyone I say. I hope I can hold onto this feeling to get me through to next year.

Here’s what else has been happening around the place this week:

Holly is student at The University of Newcastle, an intern at Mamamia and a pop culture fiend. She’s also known online as Neely O’Hara and you can follow her on twitter here.

What was your best and worst this week? 

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