So the week is almost over, you guys. And that means you’re probably winding down from all your serious work stuff and hanging out for a G&T and a chance to share what’s on your mind.
Lucky for you, that’s what we do every Friday: in this weekly Mamamia tradition, we chat about our ups and downs, and offload whatever’s been bugging, enthralling, amusing or otherwise occupying us. (We also offer each other some pretty kick-arse advice, too, if that’s what you’re after.)
Oh alright then, I’ll go first.
WORST: You know how you have those weeks where all the technology in your life collectively up and abandons you? Well. This week was one of those for me.
I moved into a new flat recently, and my landline and internet are, well, taking some time to adjust to their new environment. (Sensitive little souls that they are.)
After endless hours of negotiation with a telco-that-shall-remain-nameless – which included being kept on hold ’til I almost died from boredom – the guy on the other end of the phone told me I wouldn’t be reconnected to the interwebs for another week.
Needless to say, my sad little face looked something like this: