
Mamamia's Best and Worst: How's your week been?

It’s time to crack open that bottle of wine you’ve been staring at for five days.

Welcome to Mamamia’s Best and Worst. For some of you new to this, Best and Worst is a time and place where we reflect on the good, the bad, and the crazy of the week that was.

I’ll kick us off.

This week, I survived a first world problem. It was a pretty testing scenario, but I got through it. And I’m pretty proud of myself, to say the least.

I never thought I needed my phone. In fact, I was pretty sure I was nothing like any of my technology-obsessed friends and family. I prided myself on this fact. That was, until I lost my phone this week.

One trait of mine you would be familiar with if you and I were friends is that I lose things. Often. I’m talking every iPhone I’ve ever had, and one very, very, expensive pair of sunglasses. So unfortunately, it came as no surprise to see that my phone had gone walkabout when I was looking for it on my way to work.

Luckily, I found it. And while the next 12 hours were spent with no Snapchat, no Instagram, no ability to take selfies, I got through it. And truthfully, once I got over the mild panic attack, I enjoyed the freedom that came with knowing I was un-reachable. It was pretty liberating.

Me to my phone. Please don’t ever leave me.

But the worst part of my week? Adult pimples. Seriously, what’s the deal? I thought we say goodbye when I was a hormonal teenager.

Pimples are like cockroaches. They’re annoying, no one likes them and they really don’t contribute all that much to society. Adult pimples are very much a thing that need to go away. Much like clingy ex-boyfriends and Shia Labeouf.

We expect them at 15. 18, even. But when you’re an adult with a career and you wake up looking like a hormonal teenage boy, you get a bit pissed off.

Because, well, toothpaste just isn’t cutting it anymore.

Avril’s pimple this week, post toothpaste and hacking.

Note to my face: Let’s chill on the pimples for a bit and I promise to not sleep with my makeup still on and to get some nice cream to put on my face instead of toothpaste.

That’s enough from me, now it is over to you. How has your week been? 

For more skin care hacks…  

8 ways to deal with acne when your skin should’ve grown up by now

I found out my skin’s actual age. And it shocked me.

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