
West Wing lovers know exactly what Malcolm Turnbull's cold means.

Malcolm Turnbull has a cold.

Poor Malcolm.

Prepping for #qanda on @abctv with a honey and lemon tea to help with a slightly croaky voice #manflu

A photo posted by Malcolm Turnbull (@turnbullmalcolm) on Jun 20, 2016 at 4:28am PDT

The PM needs a blankie, a hot cup of tea and a good lie down.

 Instead, last night he had to go on ABC TV’s Q&A. (Post continues below.)
Video by iView

We can only think of one other example of a party leader with a cold during an election campaign.

Arnold Vinick, Republican Presidential candidate in the iconic West Wing series, is hit by a cold in the last two weeks of the campaign.

It seals his fate. The Republicans lose the election and Congressman Matt Santos, the progressive thinking woman's crumpet, wins in a landslide.

We wouldn't say it's an omen, but we can't help but wonder if this isn't what Labor's campaign headquarters looks like right now.

Video by Warner Bros Television

A final note; as well as Arnie Vinick's cold, Season 7, Episode 13 'The Cold' also features the first and hotly anticipated pash between Donna and Josh. *swoon* It's the perfect antidote to what feels like a 734 week election campaign.

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