
'I thought Steven Avery was definitely guilty. Now I've changed my mind.'

I have a confession to make.

It turns out I’m extremely susceptible to well-crafted narratives presented through Netflix documentaries. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You see, when the first season of Making A Murderer dropped on Netflix in December 2015, I binged my way through it like most of the western world.

I quickly became obsessed with Steven Avery’s case.

I was absolutely appalled that this man from the other side of the world, who I’d never met before, had been wrongly convicted for a crime he didn’t commit – for the second time.

Watch the trailer for season two…

For about three days, I was stuck in a Manitowoc County bubble of conspiracy theories, police cover ups and planted evidence.

Then the news reports started surfacing.

I read about how Avery had thrown the family’s cat on a bonfire.

About the accusations of domestic violence from his previous partners.


And that many of the defence’s arguments about the planted evidence and police conspiracies had since been disproved.

Over the next few weeks, I came to the realisation that Avery was probably guilty and that I – along with millions of others – had been easily swayed by a very convincing narrative presented to me on a Netflix documentary.

From that point on I was very sceptical. And for the past three years I’ve stuck with the opinion that Avery was a guilty man, who happened to find himself in some unusual – and documentary-worthy – circumstances.

But then season two of Making A Murderer dropped on Netflix on Friday.

And I… did it again.

I once again binged my way through it and became engrossed in the world of Manitowoc County and although I went into the 10-episode season determined to stay objective – I very quickly began to believe exactly what was presented to me.

This season, Avery has a new lawyer named Kathleen Zellner and she appears to completely tear apart the prosecutors’ case.

She offers up another – more plausible – explanation for why Avery’s blood was found in Teresa Halbach’s car, as well as, another possible source of the blood.

She deftly raises questions about the “sweat DNA” found on Halbach’s car key.


She completely destroys the prosecutors timeline of events – using cellphone tower evidence and new witness statements.

She even introduces several new suspects in the case including Halbach’s ex-boyfriend, a neighbour who had access to the Avery property, and two members of the Avery family who have a vested interest in keeping Steven Avery behind bars.

She’s very… convincing.

By the end of the season, Zellner had even won over a sceptic like me. And I guess that’s why Making A Murderer is so addictive and so dangerous.

The filmmakers – Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos – never set out to be objective. They have made this documentary because they want to tell one side of the story and they want to shine a light on an alleged miscarriage of justice.

Most importantly, they want to construct a narrative that’s so juicy and so compelling, we’ll want to keep watching it.

I know in the next few days, Zellner’s version of events will come undone as media reports surface and pick apart her theories, and I know I will once again start kicking myself for being so goddamn gullible.

But right now I’m stuck in my Manitowoc County bubble of conspiracy theories and planted evidence – and I’m bloody happy to be here.

You can stream Making A Murderer season two on Netflix from Friday October 19. 

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