
The reason why you shouldn't watch Making A Murderer is going to make you hate us.

Hit Netflix documentary Making A Murderer may have won viewers over but there’s one big problem to have grown out of the franchise: its fans.

Ever since the series aired the tale of Steven Avery, 54, and his convicted murder of Teresa Halbach, fans have raged over the alleged wrongful conviction.

The armchair detectives, the at-home Olivia Bensons or simply, the fans who believe Avery is innocent have taken this sense of injustice to frightening heights.

Steven Avery: (Source: Netflix.)

Petitions that call to free Avery run into the hundreds of thousands as fans flood comment sections with accusations of foul play.

"I'm signing because this isn't just a case where someone was wrongful convicted (SIC). This is a case where this innocent man and young teenager's life was TAKEN away from them," wrote one fan.

"I believe in the Constitution of the United states of America and this could happen to any one of us if we don't stand up and voice our concerns and put a stop to it," wrote another.

Other fans have taken their anger to the real world by reaching out to Len Kachinksy, the lawyer who briefly represented Steven Avery's convicted nephew, Brendan Dassey.

Kachinksy told The Daily Mail fans had wished him death, left voicemails and filled his inbox with emails and nasty tweets.

Another fan even told The Wrap he quit his $80,000 job to try and solve the murders presented in such shows as Making A Murderer and hit podcast Serial.

The idea that fans could hold the clues to solving the case was discussed on this week's episode of The Binge by television gurus and all-round funny ladies Laura Brodnik and Rosie Waterland.

Listen below. Post continues after audio.


Laura spoke about how there exists a culture within the fandom of believing you can be one step ahead of the authorities.

“I know that everyone thinks they watch a Netflix documentary and they google some facts and all of a sudden they’re a detective and they know more than police,” said Laura.

"But we have to remember this is an actual legal case with actual judges, attorneys and police."

"And as much as there may be corruption, there’s got to be something there. You can just put people in prison, you can’t have people trialed for murder unless there is a lot of evidence."

The confronting cover image of the hit show. (Source: Netflix).

The idea that fans could solve the case using the televised evidence relies on the idea that documentaries present information in an objective manner.

Documentaries - though different in their subject matter - are not free of the editing conventions that apply to television.

Editors choose what is shown and more importantly, what is not shown in order to create a narrative that maintains an audience.

The idea that fans could uncover the clues that crack the case is not impossible, it's just improbable. Lesson: Don't quit your day job.

The series was back in the headlines this week after a US Judge overturned the murder conviction of Avery's nephew, Dassey. Prosecutors now have 90 days to bring the now 27-year-old to trial again or face watching his release.

Dassey was convicted of murdering Halbach alongside Avery in 2005 and was sentenced to life in prison. He previously confessed to aiding Avery rape, kill and mutilate Halbach.

The Binge hosts discuss news of this release as well as the fandom on this week's episode. Listen to it here:

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