
TRIED & TESTED: "These are my 4 non-negotiables for any makeup routine."

Thanks to our brand partner, Blistex

If there’s anything I’ve learnt over the last 4 months of Sydney’s lockdown, it’s that my everyday makeup routine does not need to be overly complicated and can be simplified to just a few basic steps.

At first, cutting back may seem impossible (especially when there's so much information out there about how you approximately need 150 products to complete your routine) but I've quickly learned that the easiest way to get the balance right is deciding what products are non-negotiable and totally essential, and which are not. 

The easiest way to figure this out is to ask yourself: what's actually necessary for my skin to look and feel good?

To show you exactly how I've simplified my routine, here are my 4 non-negotiable steps that I always consider whenever I’m getting ready for the day, regardless of whether I’m heading into the office, breakfast with my friends or going away with my husband. 

1. Skincare matters.

Investing in a solid skincare regime has meant that I don’t need to spend too much time worrying about perfecting my makeup. 

It’s a win-win in my eyes. When my skincare products do their job, it makes applying my makeup so much easier and I’ve seen such a huge difference when I skip a step in my skincare routine. 

It’s taken me a while to really hone in on what works for my own skin, but gosh does it feel good when everything I use just WORKS. 

I often tell myself that if I can follow my skincare routine, which also includes removing makeup and using quality ingredients that my skin can tolerate, then I’m better off for it. 


This also includes using SPF 50 every single day, and remembering to reapply throughout the day if I know I’m going to go outside or sit by a window while working.

2. Lip Balm.

Lip balm, lip balm, lip balm. 

Full disclaimer: I am the human embodiment of that meme about that girl who has a handbag lip balm, car lip balm, bedside table lip balm, and well, you get my drift...

I don’t know about anyone else, but this is the one step that I absolutely cannot go without. Why? My lips can often get quite dry especially if I forget to drink enough water.

My go-to is Blistex's Lip Conditioner SPF 30. I remember carrying this little pot of goodness throughout high school. I’d often sneak it into my mum’s shopping trolley in the hope that she wouldn’t notice.

It includes broad spectrum high sun protection SPF 30 – which yes, is required, even on our lips – so I find myself applying at the beginning of my routine because this gives it about 20 minutes to settle before my face sees any type of sun exposure, and at the end to make myself feel finished and ready.  

Image: Supplied.


Apart from it doing a damn good job at providing INSTANT relief to my dry and often cracked lips, I find it to be deeply moisturising and hydrating. 

I also love the nourishment it gives with the Olive and Grape Seed oils, making them feel super soft and overall so much better. 

It’s also enriched with Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E, and is one of those products that you miss when you don’t use it every day or try and have something else take its place.

And, as I said before, it's SPF 30 which makes me feel confident that my lips are just as protected as my face —  something I'm not willing to compromise on. 

3. One product, multiple uses.

My life motto is ‘work smarter, not harder’ so you bet your bottom dollar I’m going to do anything I can to simplify any process while getting the maximum impact. 


For me, this means finding products that can be versatile, don’t require too much effort and are dummy-proof for people like me who just can’t do a ‘proper’ face to save their life. 

So not only does my bronzer give me a little warmth to my cheeks, forehead and nose, but I also use it to attempt a bit of contouring around my jawline and often becomes my eyeshadow too. One product, multiple uses. Yes, please! 

Image: Supplied.


4. Tubular Mascara.

I consider myself to be a completely different person from my early 20s self when I believed eyeliner was life.

I would not leave the house without it. 

Nowadays, it sits in the ‘too hard basket’ when I attempt to remove it, so I’ve opted to enhance my eyes with mascara. 

Up until a couple of years ago, I didn’t know tubular mascara was even a thing. But now, I will refuse to wear anything but a tubular. Why? Well, it’s super easy to remove. 

There’re no panda eyes or smudging an hour after I’ve left the house. And did I mention it’s super easy to remove? 

While I’ve picked up tips and tricks over the years, these have to be my top 4 non-negotiables. If you take away anything from this, let it be making a very small and affordable investment in a quality lip balm, such as Blistex’s Lip Conditioner. You will not regret it!

Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. Reapply frequently. Avoid prolonged sun exposure and wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun.

Blistex lip balms are specially formulated to deliver superb moisturisation and care to lips, giving them the very best care. Get your hands on the Blistex Lip Conditioner at your local chemist, Woolworths or Coles.

Feature Image: Supplied/Getty.

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At Blistex, we are big believers in loving your lips. Blistex lip balms are specially formulated to deliver superb moisturisation and care to lips, giving them the very best care. Our range of products includes products for lip hydration, relief of dry chapped lips and protection from the elements.
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