
“How I finally started getting the most out of my weekends.”

Thanks to our brand partner, Nescafé


I am what you would call an introvert, often happier in my own company than with others. In fact, I find that quite regularly Sunday night will roll around and I haven’t seen or really spoken to another human being for two days.

Becoming a little depressed with my lot, feeling as if I was wasting my weekends, I started to wonder why? I have friends and there were always lots of things I wanted to do or try. Why wasn’t I seeing people or doing things? I quickly realised the only way things were going to change was if I made changes so here’s how I started getting the most out of my weekends.

1. Actually make plans to see people

I know you’re probably reading this and thinking surely that’s obvious, but it’s surprising how many times I would sit at home alone wondering why I wasn’t doing anything with anyone, and it’s simply because I didn’t organise anything. Making plans in advance gives you something to look forward to, and with last minute plans you’ll might be surprised how often people say yes. Once I started making the effort to see people, they put in the same effort in to see me and before I knew it I was swamped with invites.

make the most of your weekend
“Making plans in advance gives you something to look forward to” Image via iStock.

2. Make traditions

Now in my thirties, hanging out with my parents has become cool again and I genuinely enjoy their company so every Saturday morning, without fail I meet my dad and my step mum for a coffee at home and a natter before heading to our local farmers markets. It’s become a little tradition for us and it’s a really relaxed setting where we can talk about our week and upcoming plans, if ever one of us can’t attend (which is rare) I’m genuinely sad to miss it.

3. Check out a gallery or museum

When I’m on holidays overseas I’m always desperate to visit museums and art galleries and it’s something I don’t take advantage of enough at home. Australia happens to have some world class museums and galleries which are well worth visiting (especially if the last time you went was for a school trip). Also, this is something you can do in a group or solo and if you’re on a budget, many museums and galleries have free or discounted days once a month.

make the most of your weekend
“When I’m on holidays overseas I’m always desperate to visit museums and art galleries and it’s something I don’t take advantage of enough at home.” Image via iStock.

4. Treat yo’ self

Every weekend I try and do something that is just for me. It can be as simple as buying a $10 bunch of flowers at the markets to brighten up my apartment, going to a salon to get my nails done or finally going to see that movie I’ve been wanting to see. Doing something that’s just for you, no matter how small, will leave you with a little extra pep in your step.

5. Get active

We live in one of the most naturally beautiful countries in the world, while the weather isn’t always on our side, I try and get out and enjoy it as much as possible. It may be going on a bush walk, heading to my favourite beach for a swim or just talking an extended stroll around my neighbourhood but for me it gives me a chance to mentally relax and unwind from the work week ahead.

make the most of your weekend
Time to mentally relax and unwind. Image via iStock.

6. Take a mini-break

They say change is as good as a holiday and you don’t need to go far away to get that holiday feeling. I find just getting an hour or two away from home can feel like a world away. It gives me the chance to experience something new and really unwind. The great thing about mini-breaks is that they’re scalable so if you want to keep it low cost you can camp or if you’re looking for something a little more indulgent, try a five star hotel. How ever you do it one thing is guaranteed by the time Monday morning arrives you’ll be feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

7. Netflix and nap

This may seem contradictory to what I started out to achieve, but we all need a mental health day every now and then, especially after a stressful work week. Right? So rediscover your love for the sofa, put on your favourite pyjamas and take a day to catch-up on that series everyone is talking about. There is no shame in drinking multiple cups of coffee to stay up and watch 10 hours of back-to-back episodes. No shame.

make the most of your weekend
“Rediscover your love for the sofa, put on your favourite pyjamas and take a day to catch-up on that series everyone is talking about.” Image via iStock.

8. Don’t leave all of your cleaning for the weekend

By doing a little bit here and there during the week, you won’t be left with a mountain of tasks to do on the weekend. I’ve started doing a few chores each night and most of them take less than two minutes. Come Saturday, I’m ready to kick-back and actually enjoy my weekend.

How do you make the most out of your weekends?


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