
Did you know you can turn 17 days of annual leave into 43 days off work?

Most Australians get four weeks of annual leave a year – or 20 blissful days.

20 days of sunshine, laying on a beach, drinking mojitos… you know the drill.

It’s not as much as most of us would like, but usually if you are clever and combine your leave with some public holidays here and there you can squeeze a bit of extra time of out of those lovely days.

More time to get a bit of “two-stroke” in your life. How’s the serenity? (post continues after video):

But did you know there is a way to turn your annual leave into more than 40 days off work in 2016?

What the?! Wait! Yes!

Skyscanner has worked out that if you are a super sleuth in 2016 you could work your annual leave out to give you 43 days off while only taking 17 actual annual leave days.


They’ve created an awesome calendar that tells you how to do it and includes popular events happening in other parts of the world that you may want to visit – with you know, all your extra time off!

This means you can really, truly visit one of the far away, tropical paradise islands you have been dreaming about.   Or you could visit one of the holiday destinations Skyscanner suggests like Iceland, New York City or Tokyo. Yes please.

Never has there been a better time, OR YEAR, to make the most of your annual leave. Thank you 2016.  You are looking very good already.

While we are not sure what employers are going to think of this gift to humankind that is this Skyscanner calendar, we personally think it is fantastic and possibly the best invention since chocolate.


So hop to it. There has never been a better time to make the most of those annual leave days and of 2016!  Better make sure your passport is valid and your suitcase is ready.

You can download your own copy of SkyScanner’s calendar here.

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