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Mamamia recaps Married At First Sight: A couple quits the finale and Cass drags Sara to hell.

To catch up on all the Married at First Sight recaps and gossip, check out the MAFS hub page. We've got you covered.

This is the end. After three months of the experiment and over two months of TV, MAFS has finally wrapped

We're free and look, I'm rather sad. 

I'm getting emotional. How will I survive without my three emotional support experts telling me what to think and feel each week? Who is going to yell at silly men?? (Me, probably)

On tonight's finale, the couples filed in for THE LAST Commitment Ceremony of 2024.

The experts force the contestants to watch their weddings back. We laughed, we cried, and Tristan and Cass celebrated being the least problematic couple of all. You did it, fam. 

'We're not smug... we're just much better than you.' 


Most importantly, Collins' iconic "What a day!" line is replayed. And really, this line is the essence of this entire experiment.


Jono and Lauren are first on the couch, which oddly starts with Jono developing some odd, chesty villain cackle. Who is he?? They sit as far enough apart as physically possible before the experts ask him to explain the Ellie bombshell. 

Jono is happily still swimming in Denile, refusing to admit the cheating scandal began with texting. Lauren opens up about feeling embarrassed and snubbed by Ellie, who tries to interject but Alessandra ain't having it.  


'Back off, bitch!'


Alessandra eventually permits Ellie to speak... literally 10 seconds after banning her from sharing her thoughts. Ellie says she didn't intentionally ignore Lauren at the reunion dinner but at the same time, she didn't feel the need to explain herself to Lauren. 

Ben adds that there was an "obvious" crush between Ellie and Jono early in the experiment. Jono denies it before saying he is "very serious" about Ellie and he's "on a path" to falling in love. 

No one is buying the timeline of them but who cares. Moving on, Jono is played back his own words denying anything was happening with Ellie in old clips. A literal violin plays as Jono says that Lauren "never liked me, she never gave me a chance," but Lauren won't RSVP to his pity party, telling him he's deflecting.

'I though my boyf was a dud but this guy is unbelievable.'


Unfortunately, Sara and Tim are up next. Despite seemingly splitting last night, his arm is around her shoulder, suggesting they're already back together. Ugh, I'm so tired! 

He relays his conversation with Jono where he admitted to feeling hesitations around committing to Sara at Final Vows off the back of the cheating scandal. 

Their journey is played back and the MVP of the montage is Cass simply reading 'shady' Sara to absolute filth. At the end of the video, Cass announces to the group "she just lies" and "there's nothing honest about her". 


Quiet achiever Cass has gooped and gagged the whole group.

'Jayden had one job!'

Cass went on to say that everything Sara says is fake when they talk, and Sara interjects to say they have never spoken which, ummm... is simply not true.

Michael pipes up too and OMG IT'S ALL HAPPENING. 


"What she [Cass] said is true, I saw right through you," he adds, as Sara tells him to "shut up!!!" Real mature, doll. 

Cass then delivers one of the greatest lines I've ever heard on MAFS. "You're not real, you're not authentic, you're the worst," she says, delivered with a satisfying smile. 

Okay, that was fun.

Me riding for my bestie no matter what new drama she's gotten us into this week. 



Shout out to Jono for thinking he somehow contributed to this when Cass did in 10 seconds what he's been trying to do all season with Sara. 

'I don't know anything about a cheating scandal but I am wearing a cream sandal hehe.' 

Tim blubbers some nonsense about Sara being 'my wifey!!!' and nothing is resolved. Cool cool cool. 

Jayden and Eden are next to plop down on the couch and they're as boring as ever. They're both in love. "My feelings they're as strong as me! World champ strength," Jayden announces. 


Oh Eden, you need to escape this man. But if the rumours are true, she since has. 

Jack and Tori are next to discuss their relationship, but the only problem is... they don't wanna!!!

As their journey is played, Tori hides behind a pillow before Jack says that they played the "lowlights" rather than their highlights.

'Not even a single shot of me on leg day...'

Tori then says something truly baffling about how she enjoys confiding in Jack because he has "so much logic," which sounds like something Jack definitely said about himself. 


Tori then takes aim at the experiment saying "The best time I've had with Jack was when I was away from this," she says before declaring, "I have nothing sayI want to leave." And they do! Bye bye!

Farewell forever to Tori, Jack and Jack's nipples. 

The real love story of the season. 


Lucinda and (Purple Wiggle) Timothy end their journey on a high, confirming they've become besties since the experiment ended. Lucinda becomes emotional when talking about Tim overcoming so much tragedy. "Once he loves you, you're there in his heart," she says. "Tim associates with the Tin Man but he has a ginormous heart." 

Tristan add in, "Papa, you've changed so much," he says. "At the start, everyone hated you!" Thanks Tristan! 

After watching their package, Timothy says that their journey might be over, but there's still hope between them. "It wasn't the ending of something, but the beginning of something." 




And that's it???? The season ends... there. Wow. Justice for Ridge and Jade, I literally would have paid for their cute couch session while I require compensation for having to endure Jayden and Eden again.

Rude tbh. 

And then there were all the other experiment contestants whose couch time was cut from the show completely. Spare a moment for Collins, who has never wanted anything more than to be involved in the MAFS drama, yet didn't mutter a single word the entire finale.

That being said, this sure was a dramatic yet truly unique and joyful season. In Collins' eternal words, what a day! 

Catch up on our MAFS recaps here:

Mamamia recaps Married At First Sight: The girlies cry, people scream and Jono goes full villain era.

Mamamia recaps Married At First Sight: We did not see those final vow curveballs coming!

Mamamia recaps Married At First Sight: The final vows are here and they are filled with rage. 

Mamamia recaps Married At First Sight: Jack's friend chose chaos today.

Mamamia recaps Married At First Sight: Never take dating advice from this man.

Mamamia recaps Married At First Sight: Timothy has seen the Lucinda Light. 

Mamamia recaps Married At First Sight: Timothy's breakthrough moment has broken us.

Mamamia recaps Married At First Sight: The Bullsh*t Investigators take no prisoners. 

Mamamia recaps Married At First Sight: Jayden's moustache made some solid points.

Tara Watson is Mamamia's Senior Entertainment Producer. For more from her, you can follow her on Instagram.

Feature image: Nine

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