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The Twins recap Married at First Sight: One woman's family throws out a groom.


To catch up on all the Married at First Sight 2019 recaps and gossip, check out the Twins recaps and visit our MAFS hub page.

It’s time for the grooms to visit their wives’ home towns, and while it’s not explicitly shown, it’s strongly implied that Mick has been transported to Perth handcuffed in a cage, and even then he attempted to escape three times.

His feet are (obviously) shackled and he is delivered to Jess’ house in a police car with extra security.

Jess shows him to his cell, and Mick tries to rest. Only when he is asleep, does he forget for a moment precisely where he is.

Neither do we, Mick. Neither do we.

"I'll do my hardest to make an absolute tit of myself so she has to write leave," Mick says, and honestly if those petrol station tinea thongs didn't do it then nothing will.

Back in Sydney, Jules is showing Cam around her apartment and pause. 

It's important that we're all across the fact that Jules' place is worth like three million dollars. Is that clear. OK cool.

"Nah like I have a f*cked up amount of money just look at my coffee table lol."

Over at Cyrell's house, she's yelling, "I WANT [NIC] TO SEE I'M LOUD FOR A REASON," and everyone knows why you're loud, Cyrell. We remember Ivan. And your mum demanding that everyone stop shouting in front of the food.

Cyrell's mum asks Nic if there's any chance they might fall in love, and he replies that Cyrell can be a "bit hot-headed" which is a significant understatement.

But Cyrell’s mum has some wisdom from her own marriage to offer.

"We've been married for 42 years and we're still fighting," she says and sweetie that sounds awful. 

But also... Cyrell literally tried to hit a woman a few weeks in and then yelled at a producer 'Im not afraid of u brutha', do you understand?

"Honestly I expected worse."

"The more we fight the more we love each other," Cyrell's mum adds and... we don't believe you but OK.

Over in Perth, Mick is out on day release, which we imagine consists of him walking around the city weeping and pleading with strangers to help get him out of here. But they don't. Because they're scared of the thongs.

As are we.

Listen to our Married at First Sight recap podcast. Post continues. 

Jess takes the opportunity to give her new boyfriend Dan a call and when did you even get this man's phone number?

She gets nervous and says sh*t that doesn't make sense such as, "we've got the same sorts of memories for the future" and wut.


They decide to meet up when they're both back in Sydney, and we learn the valuable lessons that a) cheating is fun and b) you never get in trouble from the experts. Only Heidi will. 

Dan walks back inside and tells Tamara he was just on the phone with "insurance stuff" which... well. It's not a complete lie.

"It's hard to keep one girl happy let alone two," Dan tells the camera and mate. No one feels sorry for you. 

Over on Susie's property, she's really excited to have another set of hands to help her with her farm work and oh holy shit Susie just went on this show for the free labour and now everything makes sense.


"YOU NEED TO HURRY UP," she yells at Billy while he scoops up her dog's poo and how did things get worse for this poor man.

billy mafs
"Lol my dog hates your face."

Susie, pls. If you're going to exploit people at least don't yell at them.


Tamara has decided to take Dan on a romantic picnic except the weather is shocking and can we please go home now.

They end up with sand in their mouths, covered in a light drizzle, with maybe some salt also inside their eyes and A WINDY BEACH IS A SHIT PLACE TO HAVE A PICNIC THERE WE SAID IT.

It hurts our faces just looking at it.

"Tam can be easy to speak to when she's relaxed," Dan says. "Like for example when I'm not currently cheating on her, she's less uptight."



SHHHH we're back at Jess' house and she's using words in the wrong context again.

"Mick made disgusting allegations to my family members," Jessika says and, pause.

You seem to fundamentally misunderstand the term 'allegations'.


Jess makes Mick recount to her family exactly what he said about them and WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS AND WHO IS IT HELPING.

Yeah neither tbh.

Precisely everyone is offended and nothing is resolved.


We're back at Cyrell's house and she's talking to her brother Ivan who, for reasons that are not immediately clear, is her favourite sibling.

"There was an incident with one of the girls in the experiment..." she begins and tells Ivan about the rumour (later proved false) that Nic was flirting with another woman.

"HE SHOULDA DEFENDED YOU," Ivan starts yelling and wait.

Hang on, Cyrell. You didn't finish the story. Specifically the major plot point that you went rogue, assaulted a woman and smashed a fruit bowl that didn't belong to you. 

"Then I politely told a producer I wasn't afraid of him. Brutha."

But Ivan has heard enough.

He invites Nic to play basketball and explains that when it comes to Cyrell, "she is my precious" which is a fckn weird thing to say but anyway.

Suddenly we're in the movie Basketball Diaries except no one is Leonardo DiCaprio and we're pretty sure Ivan is about to kill a guy.

"My sister doesn't deserve this stay the f*ck away from her I don't want you to have anything to do with my sister," he says to Nic, before accusing him of, "wasting my sister's life," which feels excessive given it's been like eight weeks.

He tells Nic to pack his sh*t and go home and Nic does not need to be told twice.


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You can follow Clare and Jessie Stephens on Facebook OR join our 'Married at First Sight Lols' Facebook group, where we spend the majority of our time.

Catch up on all our recaps, right here:

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 25: Jessika. You need to go home. 


The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 24: Two people just cheated and... hang on.

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 23: The off-handed comment that ruined a relationship.

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 22: Oh. We didn't know there was anyone crueler than Ines. 

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 21: The commitment ceremony breaks a man. 

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 20: Jessika. What the hell. 

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 19: The truth about Martha and Cyrell's fight. 

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 18: Can we be real about the intruders?

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 17: The biggest cheating scandal blew up and are we missing something?

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 16: Ines, you're about to get everything you deserve.

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 15: The weird sex act that's divided the men and the women. 

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 14: An X-rated affair has everyone asking one question.

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 13: The lie that's going to end in disaster. 

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 12: The sentence that broke Australia. 


The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 11: The sex request that almost breaks Ex-Virgin Matt.

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 10: This cheating scandal feels especially... mean. 

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 9: The commitment ceremony that came with a content warning.

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 8: We finally know why Sam refused to contact his wife.

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 7: We just watched a man lose his virginity on national TV.

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 6: We have a shameful theory about the runaway groom. 

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 5: One man has concerns about his wife's weight and... no.

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 4: The man who'd rather his woman not speak. 

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 3: A bride sabotages her own wedding and GURL.

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 2: We need to talk about Ivan.

The Twins recap Married at First Sight ep 1: A best man's speech just ruined an entire wedding.

And for more Married at First Sight 2019 recaps and gossip, visit our MAFS hub page. We've got you covered. 

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