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A re-matched bride and a foster dad: Everything you need to know about the MAFS 2022 intruders.

To catch up on all the MAFS 2022 recaps and gossip, check out The Twins recaps and visit our MAFS hub page.

We all know Married At First Sight doesn't exactly have the reputation of creating long-lasting, healthy couples. 

And yet, with the ability to foresee the entire outcome of the show, we still can't stop watching. 

In a season that has already seen its fair share of drama, we're about to see a whole lot more as three intruder couples enter the experiment next week. 

Watch the Married At First Sight trailer. Post continues after video. 

Video via Channel 9.

Here's everything you need to know about the MAFS 2022 intruders: 

Jessica and Daniel.

Jessica Seracino and Daniel Holmes. Image: Channel 9. 


Jessica wants a relationship like her parents, who celebrated their 50th anniversary this year. This contestant has a big heart, and a longing for a meaningful, deep relationship with her other half. When she was just 12, she lost her older sister to breast cancer. 


We can only hope she finds her match in Daniel. Daniel is a personal trainer who lost his brother to suicide when he was a teenager. 

Jessica was originally matched with disgraced groom Simon Blackburn, who was removed from the experiment after his problematic social media posts resurfaced (you can read all about that here).


Kate and Matt.

Kate Laidlaw and Matthew Ridley. Image: Channel 9. 

In a last ditch effort to find love, Kate has joined MAFS. She has admittedly never been in a relationship, or been told "I love you" by a partner.


Matt, on the other hand, is a divorced man, whose seven-year marriage ended after a years-long struggle with unsuccessful IVF rounds. He was a foster dad to 27 children in total.  

He seems to be just as committed to this experiment as his soon-to-be bride, who is apparently looking for a relationship like his parents, who have been together for over 45 years. 


Carolina and Dion.

Carolina Santos and Dion Giannarelli. Image: Channel 9. 


Carolina will definitely be one to watch. In an effort to find love, she joined MAFS as a newly single mum whose last relationship ended in disaster when she found out her partner was cheating. 


In turn, her own habit of falling into bad relationships stems from trying to fill the hole her late father left. 

Enter: Dion, with his own hang-ups but a deep desire to find love and settle down. While he appreciates the finer things in life, he's apparently very kind and very giving. 

Here's to hoping all these couples go right through to the end.

Feature Image: Instagram @_danielholmes_, @jcino and @carolinaschimidt. 

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