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A visible earpiece and... bite marks: 5 MAFS editing fails we need to talk about. Immediately.

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We're in the final days of Married At First Sight 2023 and it's the gift that keeps on giving. 

Aside from the bride and groom swapping, cheating scandals and disastrously bad (but sometimes glorious) commitment ceremonies, there's one more thing we've noticed: The slightly shonky editing on Married At First Sight. 

Now we understand making a show like MAFS is pretty hectic, and that level of chaos will result in some slip-ups from time to time. 

But it seems that even in its tenth season, the show has seriously underestimated viewers' ability to spot their mistakes.

Here's the running tally of editing errors we've gathered so far:

Harrison's receipts had... bite marks?

Harrison was not messing around when he rocked up to Sunday night's reunion dinner party. 

The 32-year-old came with literal, printed off receipts of Instagram messages Bronte sent Abby, the woman he was 'seeing' before his fake wedding. 

But between the promotional trailer and the episode, it seems his receipt had what appeared to be very large bite marks taken out of it. 

And... erm we're confused. 


In the end, there was nothing incriminating in the messages but they sure provided entertainment for the rest of the cast (and all of us) watching on.


Image: Nine.

A visible earpiece. 

There have been a few mishaps in past seasons where it became clear to viewers that not all is as it seems on the reality show. 

Fans quickly noticed in the intruder wedding episode that the man walking bride Tayla Winter down the aisle was wearing an earpiece in his left ear. 

The man walking the intruder bride down the aisle on Married At First Sight Australia. Image: Nine.


We only got to see it for a second or two before the man turned his head – but it made us wonder why on earth a guest would need an earpiece. Unless, of course, he wasn't actually a guest but a producer who needed to stay close to the bride. 

It makes you wonder, doesn't it?

An obvious audio cut.

Selina Chhaur was a bride last season on MAFS – and while she may have walked away as a fan favourite, she didn't always receive the most favourable edits from production.

During this season, she's been quick to call out what she sees and took to Instagram during an episode to share just one example of the show's "magical editing skills".


"I have to watch it now with a different lens because going through it is completely different," she told fans. "And now I feel like I've got ears for like, 'Oh they just snipped that part there, that feels like a copy and paste'."

She shared an obvious editing cut she observed from an earlier episode when newlyweds Claire and Jesse packed up for their honeymoon. 

Selina Chhaur and Cody Bromley were on Married At First Sight in 2022. Image: Nine.


While Claire asks about his life through a series of questions, Jesse appears to be uninterested. Selina reckons that Jesse’s responses were "copied and pasted" during post-production.

"She asked, 'Do you want to whistle your favourite song?' and he was like, 'Yeah, no'. And then she asked another question and that 'Yeah, no' was the exact same," she pointed out. "So they just copied and pasted him saying the same thing. I don't think he was just constantly saying it, but they just made it seem like he was constantly saying 'Yeah, no'."

She added, "I really didn't like the way they made her seem like she was over the top or too much, because I felt like I had that edit at my wedding. I feel like she's quite bubbly and out there and she seems like me – like if I get nervous or if the room is really quiet I like to fill in those gaps."

Listen to The Spill, Mamamia's daily entertainment podcast. Post continues after audio. 

A 'fake' breakdown. 

In the latest episode of Married At First Sight, Claire came clean to her husband Jesse about kissing another groom while on a night out. 

It was a huge cheating scandal and a pivotal twist in the MAFS plot but viewers were more focused on the bizarre editing fail that was shown instead. 

While confessing her sins to fellow bride Sandy, Claire notably had bright pink nails. In the scene played just seconds before, she has a manicure with lots of colours. 


This means the scenes – which were stitched together to show how devastated Claire was about cheating on her husband – were not recorded moments apart... or even on the same day. 

The scenes were stitched together but were taken and filmed days apart. Image: Nine/Mamamia.

A dress colour change.

You may have noticed the beautiful silk maxi dresses worn by the bridesmaids during Bronte and Harrison's vow exchange. 


But while they appeared to be a bright aqua originally, scenes showing the ladies in a much more obvious and darker gown were shown during the reception.

It looked like Bronte's bridesmaids changed dresses. Image: Nine.

While some fans guessed the girls might have gotten dressed, the Daily Mail Australia reported that wasn't the case.

Feature Image: Nine.

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