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"You are embarrassing." The 5 most bizarre moments from the MAFS boxing match reunion.

Over the weekend, a good chunk from this year's season of Married At First Sight reunited to watch Brent Leon, Jackson Lonie, Sam Carraro and Daniel Holmes' boxing showdown. 

Unsurprisingly, there was a whole lot more chaos outside of the boxing ring than there was inside. 

The reunion welcomed back the likes of Tamara Djordjevic, Carolina Santos, Olivia Frazer, Jessica Seracino, Jack Millar, Al Perkins, Anthony Cincotta, Kate Laidlaw and Cody Bromley. 

Domenica Calarco, Ella Ding and Mitch Eynaud were notably missing, however, Dom was still somehow involved in the drama.

Watch the trailer for Married At First Sight 2022. Post continues after video.

Video via Channel 9.

Here's absolutely everything you missed from the MAFS boxing match reunion. 

Tamara Djordjevic yelled at Kate Laidlaw.

Tamara Djordjevic was recorded by The Wash telling fellow MAFS co-star Kate to "f**k off" and to "go back to your own f**king table".

Kate told Yahoo Lifestyle there'd been an incident following "a girl's weekend".


"We had a girl's weekend where we stopped talking after that. I'd love if we could all be friends," the publication reported, adding she was "upset" and "wanted to go home".

The MAFS bride later went to Instagram to share her side of the story.

"I had no interest in talking to Tamara or being at their table!" she wrote. "I was just saying hello to Anthony [Cincotta] and his girlfriend. As an adult I was choosing to be civil and pleasant at a public event, clearly she couldn’t do the same.


"I’ve never been treated so badly. Watching some of the other cast members laugh at her behaviour was truly hurtful. Adult women being mean girls and bullying is not cool, it’s embarrassing."

Tamara weighed in as well, writing: "I dislike Kate because she openly spoke to media about us girls when we had invited her out with us, saying we were embarrassing and that she regrets being with us." 

She went on to add: "So why would she want to come over to our table if she dislikes us... I can't stand fake s**t and if you want to be that way don't expect to not get a reaction."

Domenica Calarco calls Tamara "embarrassing". 

Dom may not have been present at the boxing event, but she definitely let her thoughts be known on Instagram when she called out Tamara for her "embarrassing" behaviour.

Dom, who is friends with Kate, responded to her co-star's comments on Instagram, writing: "Probs because you 'prank' called Ella [Ding] and I at the dinner table… Maybe that's why she said you were embarrassing. And she's right, you are embarrassing."


The incident was referring back to April when Tamara was accused of "harassing" her co-stars with rude phone calls on a night out with Carolina, Jessica, Kate and her twin sister Bec.

Dom claimed Tamara rang her on a private number and screamed at her "calling her a c**t".

"She then said to me, ‘Have you got your f**king teeth fixed yet?’. I just laughed and then she hung up. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to give them anything but I am furious," she told So Dramatic!.

Jessica Seracino responds.

Despite having little to do with the matter, Jess went to Tamara's defence who she said was made to look "crazy".

"Okay I’m going to say something," she wrote. "This reel only shows one side and makes Tamara seem crazy. I am now cool and civil with Kate because after the whole ‘incident’ we ran into each other and talked it out. I didn’t think what Kate and Bec did was cool and I told them that. They agreed we hashed it out. Tamara and Kate never hashed It out. Tamara had every reason to be upset because a lot was brought onto her from what transpired from Kate and Bec going to the media. It fuelled a fire that could have affected her livelihood and fed into very serious and untrue allegations."


She went on to add: "If they apologised then I’m sure Tamara would have been nice and civilised but to hang around her and stand next to her and sit at her table would make anyone irritated. Put yourself in her shoes. Personally, if I’d done that to someone I’d keep my space because that would annoy anyone. None of us want anyone upset I just think If you’ve hurt someone and you plan on hanging around them then apologise and squash it – don’t try and hang around someone you’ve purposely hurt."

Listen to The Spill, Mamamia's daily entertainment podcast. Post continues after audio.

Jackson and Olivia... arrived together. 

In one clip posted to Instagram, it showed none other than Jackson and Olivia arriving at the match together. The pair have not gotten back together but they do remain friends. During the match, Olivia sat with Jackson's mother and sister while they all cheered him on. 

She also took to Instagram to share a message for Jackson, writing: "You’re going to smash it. Will be there cheering you on."


Image: Instagram @olivefrazer.

Matt Ridley was kicked out of the event before it even began.

Unfortunately for Matt, he didn't even get to watch the match as he went a little too hard on the drinks, resulting in him getting kicked out of the venue at 9pm, according to The Wash who caught the whole moment on camera.

Feature Image: Instagram @thewash / @katelaidlaw.

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