Madison Missina is one of the funniest, most intelligent and non-judgemental women I have ever met in my life.
She’s also an award-winning porn star.
I got to know her through our upcoming podcast, The Prude and the Porn Star… and while I have learnt more from her in 10 minutes of the show than I did in six years of sex-ed, one of the main things I have come to find out is that there aren’t many things about sex and relationships that she is unwilling to talk about.
Nothing much phases her, and she is incredibly open about what she does.
Apart from one thing: Her true sexuality.
“I don’t know how people are going to take this,” she tells Mia Freedman on a special bonus episode of the No Filter podcast, “I don’t know if when I walk out of here, all of a sudden, my sex work business dries up.
“I’m coming out. I’m gay.” Madison said.
Hear Madison talk to Mia Freedman about the differences between having sex with a man, and having sex with a woman. (Post continues after audio.)
Taking the step to come out publicly is not a decision Madison has taken lightly.
She says she has slept with around 12,000 people. Many of them men. And while she has also had sex on camera with women, she continues to have a fear and self-consciousness about telling the world who she really is.
She’s worried that she will lose clients. She’s worried her sex work will go out the window. That it could kill her business.