
The Find: The clever product that disguises dark under-eye circles.

For women with fair skin, winter is both a blessing and a curse.

On one hand, the intense Aussie sun calms itself for a few precious months, meaning you can actually walk outdoors for a coffee without getting sunburnt.

But on the other hand,  your fair skin gets even fairer and hides zero sins. Blemishes, dark circles, bruises and inflamed skin are almost impossible to hide without the forgiving filter of a summer glow. As my mum would say, ‘you look like you need a holiday.’ You don’t say.

While there’s not a lot I can do to help you to achieve the perfect creamy winter skin; I can help you fake it.

The second coming.

Ok, are you listening? Write this down: MAC Cosmetics 'Studio Conceal and Correct Duo', $44.

This is your new winter-skin hero, and I am willing to bet good money that it's going to also become your favourite makeup item after just one use.

The concept is simple: by providing both base colours of a concealer, you can mix-and-match your own custom blend. This means you will never be stuck with white eye-bags, nor will you have orange circles under your eyes that makes you look like you have scurvy.

It comes in four different combos, with the lightest version (yep, that's me) still managing to cancel out those persistent dark circles.

BEFORE: No makeup. AFTER: Human. 


Why is it so awesome?

NEWSFLASH: Different coloured concealers work for different blemishes.

Green concealer cancels out red spots, yellow evens out skin tone, and pink neutralises the dark blue or purplish areas on your face.


That's what makes the MAC Concealer even more genius that you originally thought. For days where your eye bags are looking particularly deathly (read: hangovers, pre-lunch meetings, Monday mornings) simply step up the pink and blend with a touch of yellow. (Post continues after gallery.)


How do I use it?

I usually dab a tiny amount of both the pink and yellow concealer on the back on my hand, and gently dot under my eyes. Leaving the concealer only lightly blended, I'll go over the top of my face with my daily foundation, the super sheer MAC Studio Face + Body blend.

After that I look at myself and think, hey, you look like you've had at least five more hours sleep than you actually have. Then I hi-five my reflection and start on my third cup of coffee.


Image: Supplied.

Eye bags are just one of those things.

According to dermatologist Dr Charlotte Clark, "Genetics are the biggest culprit. If you inherit fair or thin skin under the eyes, it’s more obvious when blood pools there (often because of slower circulation from lack of sleep). This accumulation causes fragile capillaries to stretch and leak."

Getting old and allergies also can also cause deeper shadowing under the eyes. If you have some time up your sleeve before leaving the house (so, like, Saturday evening only) try placing some green-tea teabags in the freezer until chilled, then place over your eyes.

Some kind of antioxidant witchcraft causes the puffing to go down and the darkness to lighten up. Just like you should, now that you look less like Chucky Doll and more like a human.

Do you know how to apply foundation correctly? (Post continues after video)

And if none of this works? Well, just channel your inner raccoon and run with it:

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