Yes, I admit it I wear lycra on the school run, and no I do not go to the gym after. You got a problem with that?
Unbeknownst to me I commit a regular crime against schoolyard fashion on a near daily basis.
I only realised I was committing a playground faux pas when it was pointed out to me by a well-meaning school mum. “How on earth do you manage to get to the gym before the school run with your three?”
Read more: What it’s really like to be targeted by the school gate mummy mafia.
I wondered what she meant for a moment before I saw her gaze travelling to my standard outfit of black, black lycra and even more black.
The fact is that the gym doesn’t factor into my morning in anyway whatsoever – apart from the fact I work from 3.30am each day from home and have three kids to prepare for the day without another adult’s assistance, exercise is a phantom concept somewhere in the future.
It was only after a glance around the playground I realised what she was implying.
Cardinal school run sin #1: Wearing lycra in the playground when you aren’t actually doing any exercise.
I quick browse through any mum’s Facebook group and you will see what I mean “Don’t hate me I am one of those who wears gym gear on the school run.”