
7 reasons why wearing lycra on the school run is totally acceptable.

Yes, I admit it I wear lycra on the school run, and no I do not go to the gym after. You got a problem with that?

Unbeknownst to me I commit a regular crime against schoolyard fashion on a near daily basis.

I only realised I was committing a playground faux pas when it was pointed out to me by a well-meaning school mum. “How on earth do you manage to get to the gym before the school run with your three?”

Read more: What it’s really like to be targeted by the school gate mummy mafia.

I wondered what she meant for a moment before I saw her gaze travelling to my standard outfit of black, black lycra and even more black.

The fact is that the gym doesn’t factor into my morning in anyway whatsoever – apart from the fact I work from 3.30am each day from home and have three kids to prepare for the day without another adult’s assistance, exercise is a phantom concept somewhere in the future.


It was only after a glance around the playground I realised what she was implying.

Cardinal school run sin #1: Wearing lycra in the playground when you aren’t actually doing any exercise.

I quick browse through any mum’s Facebook group and you will see what I mean  “Don’t hate me I am one of those who wears gym gear on the school run.”


“ Ladies a reminder don’t jog into the playground wearing tight-fitting Lycra and start doing your hamstring stretches. You’ll just annoy the mums who have a few pounds to shift.”

“I don’t understand those who dress like this how hard is it to make an effort and put on proper clothes.”

Well I am here to tell you it’s damn hard.

Keep reading: The Avon Mum, the Quinoa Mum and four other mums to avoid at the school gate.

So indulge me while I go on a defensive rant about the right of those of us pressed-for-time-and-fashion-sense-individuals to wear lycra whenever we please.

I am here to re-claim exercise gear as anytime gear. I am here to say loud and proud I wear lycra in the playground and I DON’T go the gym.

Want to embrace this moment with me? Here are seven reasons why you should.

 1.   Kids are grubs.

Black tights and a black tee are the perfect disguise for spilt babychino, smears of chocolate or even god-forbid a nappy explosion.

If you are decked out in black lyrca you can survive breakfast, morning coffee and lunch without a spare packet of baby wipes – time saving and cost effective.

Kids are gross. Fact.


2.   Decision making is hard.

Who has time to mix and match colours at 6am with three kids to feed and dress? It’s hard enough battling my preschooler about which shoes she is going to wear let alone making the decision for myself. If I’m not heading to work the answer is happily made for me from the rather large drawer of black lyrca tights and tops.


3.   It’s just temporary right?

I always plan on getting changed. Just after the school run I’ll put on something more presentable, just after I get a coffee.. oh, a quick trip the shops? Maybe I will change after lunch. Quick.. got some work to do from home today – no chance to get changed now. I have the best of intentions each day to ditch the lycra but it never seems to happen.

4.   This gets the heart rate up right?

Running around after three kids kind of IS exercise anyway isn’t it?

After boxing with the clothesline, sprinting after a toddler and stair climbing with seven loads of clothes to put away my day is a workout.

5.   Anything goes.

It is the perfect fit for my black gumboots and red raincoat for splashy days.

Lorelai GIlmore is a strong advocate for the “anything goes on the school run” look.

6.   Makeup is not required.

If breaking out from wearing black lycra is a stretch imagine what it would take to lather up some lippy or blow-dry my hair. The benefit of might-be-going-to-the-gym-might-not is that a ponytail and brushed teeth are the only extras you need to add.

7.   It’s the school run folks.

Truthfully I couldn’t honestly give two hoots about what other mothers think of the way I dress for the school run. It’s not a fashion parade, its not a display of my personality, its not a reflection of my lifestyle. It’s a way of getting my kids to school and if you don’t approve of what I am wearing then I suggest you join the P&C because you obviously have too much time on your hands.

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