
Simple ways to add a lil' luxury to your day.

Nescafe Gold Barista Style
Thanks to our brand partner, Nescafe Gold Barista Style

If you were asked to describe your life in one word, ‘luxurious’ probably wouldn’t be the first to come to mind. For many of us, ‘luxury’ is something reserved for A-listers and other people or something that’s a ‘treat’ on special occasions rather than compatible with our day-to-day lives.

It doesn’t have to be.

Luxury doesn’t have to be big or expensive and it certainly doesn’t have to be restricted to be savoured. Here are eight ways to inject a little bit of luxury into your day – any day, every day if you wish – because god knows, we all deserve it.

1. Bubble bath.

And heavy on the bubbles, please. There’s something seriously decadent about allocating an hour or so out of your day, running a hot bath and setting up the bathroom for some me-time. Light some candles, set up some music (away from the water!) or grab a book and settle into the bubbles to relax. It’s far nicer than rushing to have a shower and is a great calming habit to do before bed. For extra luxury, sip some bubbly while you’re lying in your bubbles.

2. Eat and drink the “good stuff”.

Treating your taste buds doesn’t have to mean a ten course degustation that costs more than a small car. Filling the pantry with luxurious tasting products is an easy way to get a slice of luxury on a daily basis. You can enhance your coffee experience by adding in Nescafe Gold barista style to your pantry. There’s no queue to battle, dud coffees to disappoint or hipster orders to decode, just premium, delicious, cafe-quality coffee to be savored and enjoyed.


"Just premium, delicious, cafe-quality coffee." Image: iStock.

3. Treat yo’ self to something special.

You deserve it. Whether it’s a delicious looking pastry from the bakery you walk past every day, a massage at the end of a long week or a new pair of boots that have been sitting in your online shopping cart for the last month, treat yourself occasionally to something you wouldn’t normally have. You’ll get to enjoy the rush of doing something out of the ordinary, followed by the pleasure of the actual event.

4. Spend time nurturing your relationships.

Taking time out to do the things you love is a luxury many people miss out on in the rush of everyday life. Take 10 minutes out of your day to phone a friend or family member, organise a lunch date or just sit down with your family in the evening and pay attention to them rather than the screen in front of you and you’ll feel far better for it. Spending time with loved ones is one of life’s greatest luxuries - so take advantage of it.


5. Fresh flowers.

There’s something about a bunch of fresh flowers that just instantly brighten a room and a mood. They’re beautiful to look at, smell great and they’re a luxury item that can be done on a budget. Visit the weekend markets and treat yourself to a bunch, pick up discounted flowers from the grocer at the end of the day or cut a few stems from your garden and arrange in a vase. For extra luxury, sign yourself up to a flower subscription service, where you’ll get weekly blooms delivered to your door. Bloomin’ brilliant.


A fresh bunch of flowers is an instant mood booster. Image: iStock.

6. Create a sacred space.

An easy way to get a taste of luxury every day is to create a ‘sacred’ space that you immediately associate with luxury, calmness and relaxation. Away from the mess of the kitchen or bathroom and the stress of everyday life that comes with it, it’s your personal space to treat yourself. It could be as simple as a special chair in the living room with stylish cushions, and a throw or as big as turning your bedroom into an oasis of luxury with candles, a good book, fancy lighting and your favourite sweet treat.

7. Fresh sheets.

There’s no better or more luxurious feeling than slipping into fresh, clean sheets. Get that feeling by investing in some high-quality sheets… or just change your sheets regularly on a weekly/fortnightly basis to get the new sheets feeling more often. Delicious.

8. Put on your ‘good’ clothes.

We all have items that we’re saving for a ‘special occasion’ that never quite rolls around. Today is special - so wear your good set of matching undies, that dress that makes you feel amazing or the shoes that are so nice you almost don’t want to wear them. Dressing up is a great mood and confidence booster - and you’ll get better value for money too.

What do you do to make your day a lil' more luxurious?

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